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Just watched The Linda McCartney story again(for the millionth time)








Sierra's pov
"Today's the day Sierra,college day."Greg said,holding my hand confidently.Greg and I had everything planned out:if we went to the same college(or ones nearby each other)we'd get an apartment off campus and get jobs.I would become a teacher's assistant while Greg would become a life guard,the plan was perfect.anyways,like Greg said before today's college day.let me explain college day to you guys:college day is the day colleges from each state would set up tents and persuade you to apply to them.Greg wanted to go to California for college,and I was completely on board with that.though my parents aren't,they're ok with the fact that Greg will be with me the whole time.

"There's the California ones babe."I said,pointing at a couple of tents."well then what are we waiting for?"he asked,grinning.I grinned back,we giggled as we jogged towards the tents.there were so many colleges to choose: University of California, Berkeley,Stanford University,University of Southern California, University of California, Los Angeles,etc."what...do we choose?"I asked curiously.on one hand,Stanford seemed like the college for me.but on the other hand,the university of California in Berkeley didn't seem like a bad choice."the Berkeley one sounds good,I've heard good things about that place."he said,I looked at him.

"What do you think?"

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