Busy with work and the colony of parasites

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I woke up and I don't know how long it has been because the shine was still filled with light. It never seems to change to night here huh. I noticed I wasn't with Sora right now I was with mommy Senko for the time being I noticed her shivering a bit so I got closer and closer and laid beside her with my arm over her shoulder and she stirred a bit in here sleep but she was still cold. I then had a solution to this problem and so I did what I thought might wake her up. I climbed on top of her and my tails draped over her body and I lifted her head a bit and put my arms around her and I locked my leg around her body and I knew we were skin on skin contact so my warm body heat and my tails were both keeping her warm and so she stopped shivering and she purred quietly but I could still hear it. I rubbed my cheek against her decent sized breasts and snuggled with her. I could tell she was about to wake up but I decided to stay there to keep her warm. I heard her yawn and try to move her arms but she was having difficulties she then noticed me snuggling while looking at her. She asked me when did you wake up. I said not long ago mommy Senko. I seen you shivering so I decided to keep you warm by snuggling with you with my tails keeping you warm. She asked me why she can't move. I said because I'm snuggling with you my arms and legs are around you so I can keep you even more warm. She asked if I could let her go. I said why I'm doing my best to keep you warm and I enjoy snuggling with you. She said I have to cook breakfast. I said but I don't wanna move can you do that later. She said don't make me upset mister. I said I'm not trying to make you upset I'm just...... pampering you??? She said you could do that another time. I told her with a pouty voice and face all I want to do is love on you. She said you can when I get up I'll let you hug me while giving you a piggy back ride. I said in a pouty voice fine I see how you are mommy Senko. She could tell she poked a nerve. She sat up and rubbed my head and said I'm a caring voice. Just give me ten minutes and then I'll let you snuggle with me. I got off of her and pouted and said ok just go do whatever you were wanting to do I'll just wait here. Just forget with snuggling with me for today. She didn't hear what I just said. She put her clothes on herself  and left. I went to find Shino to see if I could snuggle with her. I seen her sweeping the floor. I tugged on her shoulder and asked if we can hang out. She said not right now mother Shino is busy so try to hang out with Senko. I just left without a word letting her be confused and concerned slightly. I went to find mama Sora to do something with her. I seen her on the couch and I walked over to her and tugged on her robe. She could tell I was upset she asked me why are you upset. I said I'm upset that mommy Senko or mother Shino would spend time with me. I came over to you to ask if you could give them a break so I can spend time with them. Mama Sora said I'm sorry baby but no because they have to keep the shine clean so no one gets hurt so we can all be safe. She said I'm also busy but you can help if they ask you for help but other then that you'll need to find something to do on your own for a bit. I mumbled ok and turned back around and headed back to my bed and just watched them do chores. I was upset with all three of them for two reasons. 1 It's my birthday and 2 they always avoid me unless I show this strange thing called darkness but they seem not to notice today. Maybe a bath will calm me down hopefully. I walked straight to the hot spring ignoring everyone and everything. I walked to the hot spring and got into the shallow area of the hot spring and I just sat there. I began to talk to myself. Why can't the tell I'm upset and distressed. I just wanted someone to hang out today and It is my birthday. That's one of the things that's making me stressed out. They forgot my birthday and I wanted some time with them but apparently that's to hard to asks. The shrine is already FUCKING clean and they apparently still have those FUCKING chores every single fucking day. It's so retarded that even mama Sora won't help me because she's "too busy with work" as I mocked her voice. Why don't they ever take a break to do something that doesn't even count as "chores" they have no idea the amount of stress it is doing to me. When I asked Shino she just blew me off her shoulder. Mommy Senko don't even begin to ask what's wrong with me. Only if they seen it through my vision. All I FUCKING WANTED....is too have someone to love on and cuddle with. It's not too much to ask but it seems like their work is more important then me. Whenever this strange "darkness" appears then they care but other then that they're too "busy" for me. I'm beginning to think this darkness is actually my only friend and hope in life. I don't know if I should warmly embrace this darkness or not. I'm being corrupted by my own loneliness and no one seems to notice. It really had to be on the day of my birthday. The day of my birth.

Senko, Shino, sora x male neglect abused neko readerWhere stories live. Discover now