"Hey beautiful."

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Ross' POV: 

My eyes rake Laura: eyes shut completely, various scratches on her face, steady breaths leaving her mouth. I run a hand through my messy hair probably only messing it up more as I make my way towards her hospital bed, the only noise taking up the room being the beeping of her steady heart monitor. "You don't deserve this." I whisper. I link my hand with her's as I sit in the chair beside her bed, unable to grasp everything that is happening. "We're going to give you a moment." Riker speaks as he walks towards the door with Maia. When the door closes with a subtle "click" my head falls gently onto the bed beside our linked hands. "I'm so sorry." I whisper, peppering kisses onto her hand that is tightly tucked between mine. "Please wake up, Laur."

Warm hands meet my back making me jump at the sudden action, turning to meet familiar eyes. I quickly stand and embrace the small girl in front of me. "It's okay, Ross. She's okay. Just a few bruises and cuts. She's going to wake up soon. They put her on some pain pills that are going to make her a little tired." "She was leaving my house." I speak. Vanessa pulls away to look me in the eyes, "That has nothing to do with the accident-" "She was mad, and she wouldn't tell me what was wrong. I tried to get it out of her, but she wouldn't even look me in the eyes. She just drove off, and now she's here laying in this bed." She takes both of my hands in hers, looking straight in my eyes, "Ross, whether or not Laura would have left mad or not, the drunk driver would still have hit her." "It was a drunk driver?" She smiles, letting both of my hands go to wrap an arm around my waist to where we can both face the beautiful girl laying in the bed, "Do you really think Laura would be the cause of an accident?" I manage a smile as I stare at her, "Nah. She's too careful. She wouldn't even leave the set parking lot until I had my seat belt on." Vanessa giggles, "Exactly. Let's just be happy she's okay, alright?" "Thanks, Vanessa." I speak, tugging her closer. "Anytime, Ross." 


"You okay?" Maia asks me as I scroll through Twitter. "Yeah, I'm okay as Laura is okay. She should be waking up in a few." "You want to take a walk and talk a bit?" I shake my head as I lock my phone and shove it into my pocket, "I want to be here when Laura wakes up." My eyes watch as she leans past me to look at Riker, "Could you call Ross if Laura wakes up while were gone? We wanted to stop by a drink machine." "Maia-" I start, but Riker interrupts, "Sure. You guys go ahead." Maia stands and takes my hand, leading me down a hall. I stuff my hands into my jacket pocket, glancing over at her, "So what couldn't you tell me back there that you can tell me now?" She stops walking causing me to do the same. "Maia?" I turn to face her as she throws her head back. "Ross this is already hard so all I ask is that you please just hear me out." My eyes take her in as she sighs, her eyes glancing to the ground before meeting my eyes again. 

"You know there was no audition right?" My eyebrows raise as she bites down on her lip, avoiding eye contact. "Then why were you in LA?" "I missed you and-" "Well I miss you too, bud. Why couldn't you just say that while we were back there?" "Because I like you, you idiot." she speaks making me turn away from her, running my hands through my hair. "Maia, this isn't the time for jokes." I watch her, expecting her to crack a smile and hit my shoulder like she always does after a joke, but she just stares back at me. "You're not serious are you?" She nods, still not meeting my eyes. "You can't be serious. You choose to drop something on me like this when my girlfriend is in the hospital?" "I didn't come here to tell you knowing something like this was going to happen to Laura-" she starts to say but is cut off when Riker comes walking around the corner, smiling when his eyes meet mine, "Laura just woke up and is asking for you." I give my brother a quick hug before taking off towards Laura's room, somehow forgetting about Maia in the moment. My feet hurriedly make it to her room and step inside, a smile etching its way onto my face when I meet brown eyes. "Hey, beautiful." 

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