No More Hiding

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Ross' POV:

About a month later and everything is perfect. Laura and I are still hiding our relationship, but sneaking around is fun for both of us. Laura's sister found out. She caught us kissing on the porch a few days ago. It's okay though she promised not to tell. Something about, "The way you look at each other is amazing." We just got done shooting the episode Chapters and Choices and now we are on the way to a meeting. And by we I mean Calum and I. Laura and Raini took a different route explaining they had girl things to talk about. Fine by me. When Calum and I walk into the room the girls are already there. When they look up at us they start giggling like little girls.

I sit beside Laura and peck her cheek. "Wanna tell me what that little laughing scene was about?" She smiles, "It's nothing." I pout, "Please Laur." She shakes her head, brown curls swiftly moving. "What if I persuade you?" I grin. I start to lean in but she puts a hand to my chest, "As much as we both know I would enjoy that, I promised Raini I wouldn't tell." I'm about to respond when our manager and director walks into the room. "Evening guys." "Hello." We all say besides Calum who says, "Good evening kind sir." We all look at him, laughing. I squeeze Laura's bare knee under the table knowing it will make her blush. She gives me a look but places her hand on mine.

"Laura!" The manager calls. Her eyes shoot from mine to him. Her cheeks flush as she says, "Yes sir?" She pushes my hand away from her knee and I smile at how fidgety she has become. "We have decided to give you an opportunity for more publicity." She nods, showing she's interested. "Since Cody Christian is from another show we think it would be good for you guys to fake date-" He is cut off by me standing up, "Are you serious?!" I yell. "Problem Ross?" The director asks. "Laura is great. She deserves to find someone on her own not be forced to date someone she barely knows." I say. "Can we just listen to what they have to say?" Laura asks pulling me back into my chair by my shirt. "He comes from a different show so if the viewers see he is dating you it might bring in more views." "How long?" She asks. Is she really considering this? "A month or two." "I'll do it." She says. She signs some paper work and then they walk out. When Calum sees how steamed I am he takes Raini's hand and leaves the room.

"Seriously Laur?!" I ask. "I'm doing this for Austin and Ally." She says, standing up. "Oh please." I say. "What was I supposed to say I'm in a relationship with a guy that if you knew about would get us both fired!" She yells. I shake my head, "Or you could have stood up for yourself. You will get more fans on your own you don't need another guy for that." I say, quietly. "It's just an opportunity." She mutters. "Talk to me when you care what your actual boyfriend thinks about this!" I say about to walk out of the room. She grabs my wrist and I turn around. My face changes when I see hers. "I'm sorry." I say. "I'll just see you later okay?" She asks. "Laur, please don't be mad at me." I say. "I'm not. Excuse me." She says and quickly walks out of the room.

I sigh and run a hand through my blonde hair. "Hey, you okay?" Calum asks, walking in. "I will be." I say and run down the hall to my dressing room. I grab my guitar and run towards Laura's room. I smile at the picture of us on her door from the very first episode. I knock and she opens, "You like to run away from your problems. I like to chase them down and solve them." She opens her mouth to speak but I hold out my hand. "Just let me speak or well in this case sing." I smirk.

She motions for me to come in and then closes the door behind me. I start singing "Heart Beat" making her grin. She sits on the couch as I play guitar, still singing. "I don't want to loose you. The fact of another guy having you makes me jealous to be honest." I say. She nods, "But you're not going to loose me." "Promise?" I ask. "Come here." She says patting the spot on the couch beside her. I sit down and she grabs my hand in hers. "I promise." She whispers. I lay back on the couch and turn on my side. I pull her down beside me to where she is facing me and kiss her chin. "You're beautiful." I say. "Well thanks." She says, giggling. "No compliment back?" I grin. 

Laura's POV:

"Hm?" I say, pretending to think. He pouts, jutting his bottom lip out. "I like your shirt." I say causing him to roll his eyes. "Seriously?" He asks. "And I like how you have big, brown puppy dog eyes," I say making him grin. "And the way your blonde hair right now is messy. And how your lips are perfectly kissable-" His lips meet mine and I smile. "Tease." He mumbles against my lips. I giggle and put my hands on either side of his face before kissing him again. The door opens and I fall off the couch.

"Well." Calum says. I look up to find him smirking. Calum's mouth moves but I can't understand what he is saying because of Ross' loud laugh echoing through the room. Calum helps me up and I glare at Ross. "Thanks R." I say. He can't even speak because he's still laughing at the fact his girlfriend fell on the floor. "Ross, Laura hallway now!" Our director yells, opening my door. I gulp and look at Ross. What if he knows? "Can I ask what this is about?" Ross asks as we walk towards the door. "You guys dating. Now outside now." I feel my cheeks burn. How did he find out? 


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