A Little Surprise

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"Where's Garrett?" I ask Calum, glancing around the room. "They decided to have him on Jessie. There was a open guest star spot." Just like my dream. "Honestly dude I thought you were going to bale today just like you have been for the past week." I shake my head, "Nah," my eyes find Laura as she laughs at something Raini says, "I have something I have to do today." My redheaded friend smirks at me, "And if your plan to get Laura back doesn't work?" I smile at how well he knows me before hitting his chest, "It will. Come on I need your help."


"Okay guys, let's film that last scene again starting with the song before we call it a night." "But you said it was perfect like five minutes ago." Laura says from across the room, obviously wanting to stay as far as possible from me. "I watched the footage again, and I think you guys could do better. Ally looks like she could kill Austin, and Austin looks scared of Ally, which are not exactly the two looks I was going for in this scene." My eyes take in her figure as she returns to her spot next to the guy playing the guy that gives me my first bad review, Kenneth Kreen, avoiding eye contact with me.

"And action!" I start strumming the guitar, acting as I'm going to singing "Stuck On You." My eyes glance around the room at everyone I have going along this plan with me. After a very long talk with the whole Austin and Ally management, they agreed to break the contract that once said Laura and I could not date. Calum gives me an encouraging nod right before the music shuts off, and I start playing along to the beat of "One Last Dance." Laura's eyebrows furrow, glancing around the room before she meets my eyes.

"Tear drops in your hazel eyes

I can't believe I made you cry

It feels so long since we went wrong

But you're still on my mind"

I gulp as I walk closer to her, putting the guitar on the table, keeping eye contact, scared if I look away I'll never get it back.

"Never meant to break your heart

Sometimes things just fall apart

So heres one night to make it right

Before we say goodbye"

She goes to turn away when I take a deep breath and keep singing,

"So wait up, wait up

Give me one more chance

To make up, make up

I just need one last dance"

My feet take long strides to catch up with her before stepping in front of her and capturing her fingers between mine. My lips work to change the lyrics to relate to the situation.

"Season one I saw your face

Now its season three

Said we'd be friends, till the end

Can we start again?"

My hands work to place her hands on my shoulders before mine go around her waist, rocking us back and forth to the music as she glances down, trying to hide the smile that is forming on her perfect mouth.

"So wait up, wait up

Give me one more chance

To make up, make up

I just need one last dance"

I twirl her around right before pulling her close to me once again only to place a kiss on her cheek before pulling away. Calum waits for me on the edge of the set, holding a bouquet of flowers.

"Na na na na oh-oh

Na na na na oh-oh"

My body faces Laura's again as I walk towards her, the bouquet clasped between my palms. I manage to give her a nervous smile, handing her the bundle of sun flowers.

"I heard you're upset like me

So lets just make our peace

So when you think of me

You'll smile, and I'll smile"

Her face goes down in order to smell the flowers, her cheeks lighting up as she looks up once again to meet my daring gaze.

"So wait up, wait up

Give me one more chance

To make up, make up

I just need one last dance"

She smiles making me sigh with relief as I press my forehead against her's, slowly reaching into my pants pocket. I take a deep breath before finishing off the song,

"So wait up, wait up

Give me one more chance

Just one song, then I'll move on

Give me one last dance

I just need one last dance with you


People occupying the set break out in applause as I close my eyes, a slight chuckle escaping my lips as our noses rub together. "How is it you always manage to get me to forgive you just by singing?" Laura giggles causing me to open my eyes. "I'm not done yet." I whisper. I clasp the box in my hand before pulling it out and pulling away from her.

"Laura, you are one of the most brilliant people I have ever met in my life. Nevermind, you are the most brilliant person I've ever met. You're not just smart, you're honest and extremely positive in any situation. You have one of those smiles that lights up the whole room and the people in it." Her eyes glance back and forth between my eyes and the red box in my hand. "This ring is my promise to you. A promise that states that under no circumstances do I have the right to break your heart, not even because I'm a complete idiot," laughter sounds as I continue, "This ring is a symbol of the eternity I want to spend with you." I take steps until I'm standing close enough to her that if I moved an inch my mouth would press to the top of her head.

"So I know you're freaking out on the inside, thinking here I am confessing my love in front of the crew and management that have a contract saying we cannot date. Guess it's a good thing they broke it due to my constant begging." A smile brightens her face as she glances around the room.

"So Laur, will you be mine again?" The room is silent as I wait for her answer.  "I'm ready for an eternity with you, Ross Lynch." she grins. I fumble to slip the ring onto her hand before pressing my lips onto her's. Applause sounds once again as I reach for the back of her neck, not ready for this kiss to end yet.

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