Who can tell you who to love?

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Laura's POV:

"It happened last night-" I start but before I can finish Raini yells out, "Aw!" "I knew you guys liked each other." Calum says. "Was it that obvious?" Ross asks. "Well when you guys can't take your eyes off each other on set its kind of obvious." Raini says. I feel my cheeks turn red when Calum adds, "You guys started flirting worse than Austin and Ally on the show." "Oh come on!" I say making Ross laugh. "It's true." Raini says shrugging. "Just promise not tell anyone please." I say. "Oh please. Like we would say anything to get the best costars we will ever have fired." Calum says making me smile. I look at Ross and he nods. We tackle them in a hug causing us all to laugh. Calum's chest vibrates against my cheek that is against it as he laughs.

I sit up as Ross says, "Well it's getting late. I should be getting Laura home." "I'll text Mark." He adds as I stand up to get my bag. I hug Calum and Raini as Ross says, "He's on his way up." Raini wraps me in another tight hug. "I'm glad I have a great best friend like you that I know I can trust." I whisper. "Back at ya babe." She says making me laugh. "You guys are really lucky to have each other. Y'all are perfect." She says making my cheeks fire up once again. "We're not perfect. We just get along really well. Someone is out there for you like Ross is there for me. Trust me." I say. She bites her lip as she glances at Calum who talks to Ross by the door. "No way!" I gasp. She covers my mouth as her cheeks turn as red as the sweater she is wearing. "Raini!" I squeal. "Laura!" She mocks. "You better be texting me these details." I say as someone knocks on the door.  "Bye love birds." Raini says as Mark, Ross' bodyguard, walks into the room. "Love birds?" Mark asks. My eyes grow huge as I look at Raini. She laughs, "Yeah they hate it when I call them that. I do it just to make them mad. You should try it." "I'll try it when they don't follow my orders. Come on guys." He says. "Alright bossy pants." Ross says as  we walk out the door.

I laugh and try to resist the urge to stare at his brown puppy dog eyes. He catches me and smiles. "I'm glad I have you, you're everything I've ever wanted." He whispers in my ear. I feel him smile against my ear, where Mark can't hear. I'm surprised he isn't turned around by now. "Same here." I whisper back, responding to his previous statement. We get into the limo and we sit in silence because of Mark who sits across from us, staring all the way back to my house. I'm about to get out when Ross speaks, "Laura can I walk you in?" "Of course." I say. He smiles getting out of the limo. We walk down the long sidewalk towards my front porch. The moon shines down on us causing Ross' eyes to be reflecting it. He looks so cute. We get to my front door soon enough.

"Want to come in?" I ask. "Um.." He says. "It's okay nobody's awake." I laugh. "Okay." He says smiling. I open the door and we are in the little hallway before it enters the living room. I feel him grab my wrist and turn me around, leaning me gently against the wall. I study his face, looking from his eyes to his lips. He leans close and slowly makes our lips meet. I hear footsteps creak on the old stairs behind me. I pull away quickly and Ross turns to where he is walking towards the door. "So I'll see you tomorrow on set?" He asks. "Yeah you bet!" I say. I look behind me to see my sister who slightly waves before making her way to the kitchen. Ross leans down to peck my lips gently before smiling once more. "Bye beautiful." He whispers. "Bye Ross." I say, smirking. I close and lock the door behind him.

"You guys so dig each other." Vanessa my sister, says from behind me. "No." I say, running up the stairs, my heels clacking against the hardwood. Her slightly softer footsteps echo behind me. "You guys should date." She says. I turn around when I reach my bedroom door to look at her. "We're just friends and even if we wanted to it would be against the contract." I say. "So? I wouldn't let anyone or anything tell me who to love and who not to love." She says. I just stare at her for a minute knowing she's right. She smiles at me lightly before turning on her heels, "Night Laur." "Night Ness." I say, before she shuts her bedroom door.

I slip off my heels by the door and shut it behind me. I smile at the picture of Ross and I beside my bed. "So? I wouldn't let anyone tell me who to love and who not to love." My sisters statement repeats in my head. I quickly change into my pajamas and slip under the covers of my queen bed. I shiver at the slight temperature change and pull the blankets up to my chin. My phone buzzes on the bed side table making me roll over quickly to grasp it in my hand. I smile when I see Calum's name. The message reads: Just to let you know Ross just called me to tell me how amazing the ride home was. The boy is nuts for you. Night. :) I quickly typed response before locking my phone: :) Night Calum. I close my eyes a my eyelids start to fill heavy. I hear rain start to beat against my window as everything goes black. 


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