Radio Disney Music Awards

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Laura's POV:

Another girlish squeal escapes my mouth as I hug Maia. "It has been too long!" she says. "Way, way too long." I urge as her arms squeeze me tighter. "We should hang out tomorrow!" I nod as we finally part from the hug, "My house." "Wouldn't miss it for the world, L." "Wait, can we take a picture?" I ask. "Oh, of course." I smile at how thick her Australian accent is. I tap Ross' shoulder who is speaking to Stormie and hand him my phone. He rolls his eyes, "Girls." "Hey, we run the world." Maia charms referring to the Beyonce song. I giggle as he holds out my phone and starts counting down from three. Maia wraps her arms around me as I place my head on her shoulder.

I thank Ross by placing a kiss on his cheek before turning back to Maia, "See you after." She nods before her bodyguard leads her down towards the carpet. Hands find my waist and spin me around catching me off guard. I stumble a little but smile when I see it's Ross. "I'll see you at our seats right?" "Yeah." He places a kiss to my mouth making me smile. "Please don't be gone long." His hands grip my leather jacket, his hands gliding against the smooth material before he kisses me again. "I'll see you at our seats." I watch as he walks away and after Maia who he has to walk the carpet with.


I glance around and bite down harder on my lip when I still don't see Ross. "I'm sure he will be here any minute." Stormie whispers in my ear from behind. Rydel places a hand on mine and I meet her eyes to find her smiling at me, "Maybe he got caught up." I nod and move my focus to the stage as the show is starting. "Welcome to the 2013 Radio Disney Music Awards!!" I open my phone hoping to see a text but find nothing. A sigh escapes my glossy lips as I shift in my seat, putting my phone away.


I smile at fans and sign a few things trying to make out one of the many questions being shouted in my direction. "Where's Ross?" one asks. If only I knew. I just smile and take a few more pictures before walking away, thanking them. A guard leads me to the car and I shake my head when I see Ross isn't in the car either. My hands fumble to check my phone, finding nothing. "Ms. Marano, your stop." I quietly thank him before taking the steps up to the hotel. It isn't long before I enter my hotel room once again finding it empty. "I'll meet you at our seats." I mock Ross in a deep voice, rolling my eyes. I find a seat on the couch before pulling my laptop towards me. I log onto Twitter, the first tweet I see making me sit up from my slouched position.

@Ross Lynch: Hanging out with Maia after the show. :) Couldn't be better!

Ross' POV:

I make my way up to Laura's hotel room and knock on the door. She opens the door and I'm greeted with dark eyes. She looks behind me and out in the hall. "What are you doing?" I laugh. Her answer takes me off guard, "Looking for Maia." She turns and walks into the room and that's when I notice her outfit, a rush of guilt hits me when I realize how long she has been home alone. "I should have texted." I wrap my arms around her waist from behind as she starts to speak while putting ice cream into a bowl, "Would've been nice instead of finding out from Twitter that my boyfriend is hanging out with another girl all night." She elbows me in the side causing me to drop my arms. "I'm really sorry, Laur."

I follow her down the long hall and into her bedroom right on her heels. She sits on the bed, her overly furry socks pushing the bed covers away as she digs into the ice cream. "For what exactly?" she questions, following my statement. I'm about to speak but she interrupts me, "The fact you didn't even come by to tell me you weren't sitting with me? That I had to sit there the whole time wondering where you were? Then after the show you still don't come to tell me so I have to take a car home by myself and come upstairs only to find your spending time with another girl while your girlfriend sits at home alone on Twitter. Oh and then you come to the hotel and expect everything to be fine." Honestly this conversation scares me. I've never seen Laura mad.

"I sat with Maia. I thought it would be good for Teen Beach Movie. I know it gives me no right to not come and tell you, it's just-" "You got caught up in perfect Maia?" I lick at my dry lips, "Woah, I thought you guys were friends." "Friends don't mess with friend's boyfriends." "We didn't do anything!" "Is that why you couldn't tell me where you were? I might understand if you forgot to text me but the fact I called and texted and no reply-" "This argument is so dumb." I interrupt. She laughs, not her real laugh but the one she does when she doesn't know what else to do. My phone rings saving me from another smart comment from my girlfriend.

I put it on speaker after I answer, slipping off my shoes. "Hello." I answer. "Hey Ross!" my manager speaks up. "Oh, hey!" I say, locking eyes with Laura. She looks away and gets up from the bed to grab her phone. "I saw you and Maia tonight. Great press for Teen Beach." Laura turns around and rolls her eyes as I motion to my phone, showing I was right before about how it would be good for the movie. "Really?" I ask. "Yeah, you guys are good together." he remarks as I watch Laura with her back towards me. "Thanks. I hope so, I mean we did make a movie together." He laughs, "True." Silence takes over the phone until he speaks, "I talked to your producer from Austin and Ally," I nod and wait for him to continue, "And I was thinking that maybe you could fake date her." Laura spins around and her eyes meet mine. "Laur-" "Don't bother. You guys are great together." she mutters, pushing past me, her shoulder hitting mine. "Let me call you back." I say, sliding my phone in my pocket.

I chase her down the hall and grab her arm, "Laur! Stop!" She pushes my chest, "I can't do this, I can't." "Stop-" "No! He obviously thinks you guys are so good together and you obviously don't disagree so be my guest." "Maybe I will." "So this is how it feels." she mumbles, looking at her feet. I notice tears falling down her cheeks and I have to hold myself back not to wipe them. "How what feels?" "To have the person you love stop fighting for you." My body is frozen, unaware of how to react to her words. "Maia is lucky." She stands on her tippy toes to place a kiss to my mouth. I slide a hand to her waist only for her to pull away. "My plane leaves in the morning." "Stay, Laur. I'll make it up to you I swear. If I don't, you can leave and act like this never happened. I don't want Maia, I want you. Yes I spent all night with her because it made us look good. Yes I won't deny it, she is a great friend but that is all she will ever be. You know me, I get so caught up in something that I forget the important things. Please just stay." She studies my eyes for a minute before slowly nodding her head. "I'll see you in the morning." she whispers.

She walks off towards her room as I pull out my phone. I click my manager's contact before typing a message: I can't do it. I like what I have going with Laura. I quickly get a message back: No longer fake huh? I smile, I have the best manager ever. Before sliding my phone into my pocket I send: Who said it ever was? Thanks for having my side. :) I quickly get on Instagram and post a picture we took earlier tonight before going to bed. Laura is my best friend, I'm not letting her go that easily.

@Rossr5: This girl is my best friend. She has been with me through everything and that will never change. She always has my back even when I'm wrong and I'm so thankful. I love you Laura, never forget that.

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