Nothing Feels Right

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1 week later.

Laura's POV:

I knock on the hotel room door and smile as the petite blonde opens the door. "Laura!" she squeals. I giggle, wrapping my arms around her shoulders as she pulls me in for a hug. "Hi Dove. Nice to meet you." "Likewise. It's great to finally meet someone who is apart of Disney besides people on my show." I smile as she allows me inside the small room and closes the door behind her, "Welcome to the family. How do you like Disney Channel so far?" She sits on the bed, pushing a rather large teddy bear aside before patting the spot next to her. I sit as she starts to speak, "Great! It's everything I've ever wanted." "Your show is really great. You playing two totally different characters is amazing. You're really talented."

She smiles before her head turns along with mine as a tall brunette walks into the room, ducking down to kiss Dove's cheek. "Hello ladies." She smiles up at him, "Hey Ryan." I speak up as he leans down to hug me, "Nice to meet you." "Same to you Laura. How's Ross?" I smile at my boyfriend's name, "Great. I have to be honest though, I had no idea you two were a thing in real life." Dove's pink cheeks are evident as Ryan smiles down at her, "Actually we're just friends." I watch as the pretty blonde waves her hand, "But anyways take a picture of us please." "Sure." Her cheeks burn even more as she shoves her phone into his hands, grabbing the fluffy stuffed animal from beside her. I pretend to be sleeping, Dove gripping the bear smiling. "There we go." he says, handing Dove her phone. I watch as she clicks the Instagram app and adds the picture: Met this lovely today. Laura Marano :)

Ross' POV:

I laugh with Calum as we stand around the usual holiday Disney get together. Around Thanksgiving and Christmas all Disney actors and actresses get together and have a small party where they serve food and music plays over the speakers. "So you guys worked everything out?" Calum asks. I nod, "The vacation was nice. We relaxed and didn't worry about anything." My eyes glance around the room as he starts to speak. I'm not exactly sure what he says though because my eyes stop when they spot a gorgeous girl coming down the stairs.

I watch her every move as she takes step by step slowly, having linked arms with a blonde whose name I cannot remember at the moment. Her eyes seem to look everywhere but at me as she hugs everyone around her, her perfect teeth never seeming to disappear. "I'm going to find Raini." Calum speaks up from beside me causing my eyes to leave Laura for the first time since she has walked into the room. I nod, glancing at Laura as I do the Austin and Ally, What Up, hand shake with Calum. "Just go talk to her man." he laughs, shoving me in her direction as he walks away.

My body turns swiftly when I don't see her anymore, eyes glancing around the room. I stop Jason Dolley right as he is about to walk by, "Hey have you seen Laura?" "Uh I think she just went to the back with some guy." My eyebrows furrow but I thank him and head in the direction he mentioned.

My pace quickens when I hear her voice but I stop when I hear a guy say, "I just really like you." Laura's sweet laugh echoes throughout the small hall, "I like you too." "So you will be my girlfriend?" he asks. I look around the corner to see Ryan McCartan looking down at my girlfriend. "Of course." He pulls her in for a hug and she accepts, placing her head on his shoulder, "See that wasn't so hard. You could have done this along time ago-" I don't let her finish her sentence before I storm back out the hall, running into someone as I go.

"I'm sorry-" "It's totally my fault." I admit, running a hand through my hair, trying to calm down. I meet eyes with the girl I was unable to identify earlier. "You're Ross Lynch!" I smile at the fact we have the same job and yet she is slightly starstruck. "That's me!" I say. "Oh, I'm Dove!" I chuckle, shaking her hand, "Nice to meet you Dove." She smiles, "I know this may sound weird but can we take a picture?" I nod, "Of course." A guard that stands around in case of emergency snaps two quick picswhich Dove proceeds to upload to Instagram. I turn to see Laura coming down the hall with the guy who apparently is her new boyfriend.

Without thinking I lean down and press my mouth to Dove's who instantly pulls away, "I like someone and you have a girl-" "Not anymore." Laura speaks from behind, her voice strong although tears already flood her eyes. Laura turns and starts for the exit, her short legs rushing to get there. "Laur!" I whisper, trying not to cause a scene. She pushes the door open and keeps walking into the cold night air. "Will you stop? It's cold." Her fingers type quickly on her phone screen as she continues walking, not missing a beat.

Laura's POV:

"Stay away from me." I hiss as he tries to keep up. "No! We are talking this out." I spin around and step close to him, my index jabbing at his chest. "You are the biggest jerk I have ever met. I take every interview back where I spoke of you being a sweetheart because you, Ross Lynch, are anything but a sweetheart. You go around telling me you love me only to sit with one of my best friends at an award show, leaving me at home by myself. Then me being the idiot I am forgive you over some vacation that obviously meant nothing to you because now you're kissing some girl you just met. You might think you can make this up to me but you can't." His face softens for the few seconds it takes me to get my statement out only to harden again, "Why don't you go complain about me to your new boyfriend?" I roll my eyes, "Excuse me?"

He starts to take steps towards me which I refuse by taking steps backwards. "I heard you and Ryan talking down the hall. You thought you we're going to be all secretive and get away with it but-" I let out a dry laugh, crossing my arms. "Oh so now it's funny?" he asks.  My arms reach out allowing my hands to shove his chest, "The only person Ryan wants to date is Dove." His eyebrows raise but his eyes stay dark. "He was practicing on me to ask Dove out!" I hiss, thankful the music is loud in the big venue. "What-" I shove him again, "He," shove "likes," shove "Dove."  By now people who walk by on the streets stare at the scene two teenagers are causing on the sidewalk. "I did not know-" "That's right, you did not know. You could have asked but instead you kissed another girl. Congrats Ross, you won again." "Won?" he asks, reaching out for my hand. I yank it back, "Somehow even though it's you that messes up, I'm always the one walking away feeling unloved." "Laur-"

        I shake my head as I  stare at the ground, rubbing my arms as the cold air hits them. "Take my coat-" My phone lights up and I read: I'm here. "Maybe one day this whole thing we have going on will work out but just not right now. I can't do this Ross. I'm sorry." His mouth opens but nothing comes out as I turn and run towards the car waiting on me. Tears finally fall down my face as my body gets into the back of the warm car. Rydel pulls me into her arms and rubs my back, whispering how everything will be okay as Rocky sympathetically glances at me in the rear view mirror as he drives while Riker turns around in the passenger seat to squeeze my knee. Ratliff who sits on the other side of Rydel smiles at me, cracking corny jokes that would usually make me laugh but not at this moment. Nothing feels right at this moment. Ryland who sits behind us hands me a tube of Gogurt. My hand grasps it but it just does not feel right. Then again nothing feels right without Ross.

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