Sweet Lips

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Laura's POV:

I sit up allowing my feet to leave Ross' lap. His attention leaves the movie screen and his eyes find mine. "Where ya' going?" Ross asks. "I'll be back. I have to ask Rydel something." He nods and I put my hand on his knee, pushing off of it to stand. I jump a little as he pinches the skin behind my bare thigh as I walk by. I turn to find him smirking, "Hurry back." I exit the living room, yawning a bit. My bare feet paddle against the tile flooring as I make my way to Rydel's room. I knock before hearing a sweet, "Come in!" I open the door revealing the bright pink girly room. She smiles when she sees me, looking up from painting her toes. "Hey sweets." I roll my eyes at her silly nickname but smile as I say, "Hey babe." She giggles and looks surprised when I sit on the bed beside her.

"Fight with Ross?" she asks. I shake my head and allow her to pull my foot towards her, shrugging when she holds up pink nail polish. "Annoyed with Ross?" she asks, concentrating on my feet and the polish in her hand. I laugh, "There's nothing wrong with Ross and I." When she doesn't speak I add, "Why do you assume I came in here because I'm mad or annoyed?" "Because you and Ross are inseparable." she says making me hide my face by placing it on my knee. She nudges my foot with her hand signaling to switch feet. "Was Ross uh-" I stop causing her to glance up at me, "touchy with his other girlfriends?" "Mostly why?" "Because he's not with me." I mutter. She looks up her brown eyes finding mine, "Ah." "Maybe he respects you more." she suggests. "I mean it's the occasional kiss, maybe a hug here and there but-" "He's not the crazy sex craving teenage boy you've read about in books?" "I didn't expect that much-" "ROSS!" she yells.

I jump up, hoping my toe nails are dry, "What are you doing?" Ross comes into the room not knocking, not surprising me. "Yes?" His face softens when he sees me fiddling with my hands. "You find Laura attractive?" His eyes roll into the back of his head, "Do I even have to answer that?" I smile as Rydel winks in my direction, "Do you love her?" He throws his hands down by his sides and comes by my side. "What is this?" "Ross-" He puts his hand in Rydel's direction and continues to look down at me, repeating, "What is this?" "It's silly." I say. He makes me look at him by placing his fingers under my chin. "Kiss her." Rydel says. "Is this about kissing?" he asks.

My cheeks burn as I bite down on my lip. "Laur?" "Rydell said you kissed your past girlfriends a lot." I whisper. "Maybe because a kiss with them was like something I could do with my grandma. A peck on the lips that meant nothing but a goodbye or a hello. With you though every single one is magical. Every one means something different. If you want to kiss me more often that's fine, I'm not going to stop you. Just know that it's different. I kiss you when I want to and when I feel to." I lean up and press my lips on his getting a whistle from Rydell. "So can we go back to watching Romeo and Juliet now?" he asks as I glance over at Rydell.


"Think your mom picked up any Gogurt?" I ask. He grins, lacing his hand through mine. "Let's go find out." he says, getting up from the couch. I high five Rocky as he walks past us in the hall. Pictures hang on the walls as we enter the kitchen. I sit on a stool placing my hands on the wooden interior and watch as Ross opens the fridge. He turns to me shows his perfect smile. "Gogurt?" I grin, hopeful. "Better!" he says. My lips drop as I say, "Nothing is better than Gogurt." He grabs two spoons from a drawer and that's when I notice the pudding. "Definitely not pudding." I say. He slides the plastic container across the counter to me before sitting beside me. He hands me a spoon which I study myself in. "Laur," he groans reaching across me to open the cup, "Now eat."

I stare at the pudding not finding it the least bit appealing. His knee nudges mine under the counter top making me look at him. He sticks his bottom lip out, bringing his face closer to mine before slowly kissing me. I grin as he pulls away, "Fine." He moves his arms in the air imitating some sort of victory dance. "But just because it tasted good on your lips." I say. His teeth make an appearance as he grins down at me, his brown orbs glowing, obviously not expecting my statement. "You can call me sweet lips." he smirks. I shake my head as he adds a cocky wink. I swallow the sweet substance before pulling the spoon out of my mouth, "No thank you." "Aw come on!" he yells. "You actually want to be called sweet lips?" I ask. He nods his head repetitively before I click my tongue to the roof of my mouth, "Well that's just too bad."

He leans over before placing his lips to my neck and placing multiple, quick kisses before doing the same to my face. I squeal throwing my hands in the air along with laughter. "Get dressed." he says randomly. I raise my eyebrows, "Are we going somewhere?" "Yep. Raini and Calum are coming also. Calum's idea." he says. "Oh, cool. Where are we going." He leans down to press his lips to my ear, "That my dear is a surprise." His lips quickly kiss my ear before he stands up to walk out of the room. I go to throw the pudding cups away when I hear, "Leave them!" "But-" "Laur!" he warns. I drop them before walking in the direction he left in.

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