Sneaking Around Could Be Fun

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Laura's POV: 

"Laura you better be up!!" I hear Ross yell as I finish putting on my lip gloss. I roll my eyes as I smile running down the stairs. "So your driving Ross?" My mom asks as I walk into the kitchen. "Yes mam but Ken, my bodyguard, is going to meet us there." She nods, approvingly. "Alright you two be safe." She says, planting a kiss on my forehead. She hands Ross and I both a blueberry muffin out of the stove. "Thanks mom." I grin. "Thanks Mrs. Marano!" He says as we walk towards the door. The warm Los Angeles heat hits my face as we walk down my sidewalk.

Paps stand on the side of the road and yell our names. I smile at them until Ross opens my door for me and I get in. I nibble on my muffin as he walks around the car and gets in. He drives off slowly careful not to hit the paps who are swarming the car. "You look great." He says glancing at me out of the corner of his eye before setting his eyes back on the road. "Thanks. So do you." I smile at him. "You know there's a Dexter marathon coming on later." He says. "Really?! I love that show!" I say. "I was thinking maybe you could come over after the interview and we could watch it?" He says. "Yeah that sounds fun." I say as we pull into the parking lot of Radio Disney.


I sit down in the chair beside Ross and pull the headphones over my ears. "We're here with Ross Lynch and Laura Marano from Austin and Ally." I smile and say, "Hey guys!" "Sup!" Ross says into his mic. "How are you guys?" the interviewer asks. "Great. We're happy to be here." Ross says and I nod. "The show is doing really well. Did you think it would be as popular as it is?" He asks. Ross looks at me and I say, "Um I thought it would do well because we have amazing writers but its doing amazing so we are extremely blessed." "Anything to add Ross?" He asks. He shakes his head, "Nope I think Laura explained it better than I could." I smile as I look from him to my hands that are sitting on my lap. Ross is the best. I know I can trust him with anything and he is just down right sweet. If it wasn't for the contract I would probably even date him, but if I want to keep my job I can't even afford to think like that.

"Laura, anything to add?" The interviewer asks, snapping me back from my thoughts. "Uh.." I start. "About what's coming up on Austin and Ally." Ross says helping me out. I smile at him, "Just that you will never expect what is coming." "Alright well here is Heard It On The Radio. The latest single from Ross Lynch." "Thanks for helping me out." I say  "Of course. I will always be here to help you." He says, smiling. I pull him into a hug and he rests his hands on my back. "I owe you." I say. He shakes his head full of blonde hair, "You don't owe me anything Laura. Friends do stuff for each other." He says.

"So you guys a couple?" Ernie, the interviewer, asks as the song ends. "Just friends." Ross answers, quickly. "So that hug you two just had was just a friendly hug?" He asks. "Yeah. We're best friends." I say. He looks at us for a second before asking a few more questions. The interview ends and I start to stand up but I am pulled back down by my headphones. Ross laughs and takes them off my head for me. "Thanks." I mutter, embarrassed. "Come on." He says as he links his arm through mine. "What are we doing?" I ask.

He takes me down stairs and to a room full of records. "What is this?" I ask, looking around. "This place has every Disney song ever made down here. I know how crazy you are about old Disney stuff so when I heard about the place I had to bring you down here." He says. I smile as I pull out The Little Mermaid cd. "I didn't know you knew I liked old Disney stuff." I say as I put in the High School Musical cd I found. "Remember yesterday when we left set we were talking about Disney on the way to the movies. You said you liked old stuff." He says. I smile at him over my shoulder. I hum along to Start Of Something New as I look through the huge room.

"Look what I found." I say holding up the Austin and Ally record. He smiles and grabs it from my hand. "I never thought I would have my own album. Nevertheless share it will people I love on a tv show." I grin, "Same here." I wipe dust off a shelf and wipe it on his nose. He crosses his eyes trying to look at his nose. I laugh until I feel his finger run across my cheek. "Oh no you didn't!" I say. "Yes I did!!" He yells as he runs away from me. I run after him but when I get around the corner no one is in sight. The lights cut out and I jump. "Ross this isn't funny." I say. I hear his laugh across the room. I walk towards him but scream when something tackles me to the ground.

I start to push the thing away until I hear it laughing. "Ross!! I hate you!" I say. Sun shines through the window behind us causing Ross' brown eyes to light up. I glance from his lips and back to his eyes as he says, "You don't hate me Laura." "Is that so?" I ask. "You know you love me." He says, leaning his face closer to mine. "The girl that is lying on the ground because her best friend just scared the living day light out of her begs to differ." He chuckles before I push him off of me and stand up. 

Ross' POV: The way the light is hitting her face makes her look even more beautiful than usual. "Ross what are you doing?" Laura asks as I grab her hand and push her body gently against the wall. "If I get lucky I'll get to kiss you." I say leaning in. "But the contract! If you kiss me you would be breaking some serious rules! We could get fired!" She says. "Well baby I'm a rule breaker." I mutter leaning in again. She closes the gap between us and our lips find each others in the dark. I smile as her arms make their way to my shoulders and I rest my hands on her hips.

"Um hello? Anyone here? Ross? Laura? It's time to go!" A voice calls. We pull apart and I back into a bookshelf. She laughs and helps me up. "We're coming!" I hold her hand until we are almost to the door. "What were you guys doing in here?" Ken asks. "Looking for a cd." Laura says. "In the dark?" He asks. "Yep." I say as we head up the stairs. "Mhm." He hums, sarcastic. "We were!" Laura says. "Okay. Whatever you kids say." Ken says as he leads us outside and to the car. We stop to sign a few autographs before getting in the car. The ride is silent to my family's house. We get out of the car and walk inside.

"Everyone went out to eat. Hope that's okay." I say as we make our way to the living room. She nods as I turn the tv on and search for Dexter. "Ross?"  she asks. "I know, I know. You want to act like the kiss never happened." I say. She turns my head and our lips meet again. I drop the remote on the couch and smile once she pulls away. "I don't want to loose my job, but I'm tired of acting like I don't have feelings for you. I'm tired of watching other girls flirt with you and know I can't say anything because I'm not your girlfriend." She says. "So what you're saying is you wanna give this a go?" I ask. "I think sneaking around could be fun actually." She grins, looking down. "Maybe if we try this we might even figure out we're better as friends." I shrug. She grins, nodding. "Laura Marano will you be my girlfriend?" I ask. She nods, wrapping me in a hug. I lean back on the couch and she rests her head on my chest and my arm lies around her side. I turn on Dexter and lean down to peck her lips before setting my eyes back on the tv. "Smile!!" Laura says an she takes a picture.  I smile as I look at it. She uploads it to twitter and puts: Having a chill day with @RossR5 #bestfriend.  Screw what I said earlier. We are so much better more than friends.

Baby I'm A Rule BreakerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon