Heartbreak Part 1

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Ross' POV:

"Ross you have to go to set." I bury my face farther into the pillow, "I don't feel good mom." The bed sinks beside me as she sits down and places a comforting hand on my back, "Honey, you can't sit in bed and sulk forever." "I'm not sulking." I mutter, looking up at her. "Ross-" "It just hurts and going to set where I will see her is not going to fix that." "You can't avoid her. You two work on the same tv show." "Can't I just stay home today?" "I'm afraid not. Come downstairs I made waffles." "I miss her." I whisper. "Riker!" she yells, walking out of the door.

My phone goes off causing me to grab it and sigh at my background.


"Ross, no!" Laura squeals, leaning away from me. "Come on, Laur!" I laugh, bringing my phone closer to her face. "Why do you want to take a picture of me?" she asks, still covering her face. "Because you look beautiful, Laura." She peers at me through the gaps in her fingers, finally removing her hands and sticking her bottom lip out. I take the picture and smile as I set it as my background. "You kids finally a couple?" Ernie D asks. I shake my head, "Nah man, just best friends."

Why did things seem easier when we were just friends? "Dude get out of bed." Riker says as he walks into the room. "You too?" I ask, rolling my eyes. He sits at the chair across from my bed at the desk before speaking, "Look, I know this is your first heartbreak and all, but you put it on yourself." I stand up from my bed, "Are you seriously going to come in here and take her side? If you think that telling me something like that is going to get me going to set then you are totally wrong." "Well it got you out of bed. That's a start." he chuckles. "And you of all people, I thought would understand." I mutter, heading towards the bathroom.

I start doing all my morning essentials, frowning when my eyes set on another picture that on any other morning I would be happy to see, but not this morning. After I'm finished brushing my teeth, I glance at the picture once more before leaving the bathroom and slamming the door behind me.


Laura's smile brightens the room as she continues to sing along to "If I Can't Be With You" with the rest of us as we sit around on the Austin and Ally set. I pull her closer to my side as we end the song and we all start clapping. "Come on let me get a picture of all of you!" mom says. I groan, "Mom." Laura stands and grabs my hand, "Come on cutie." A smile lifts my face as I stare up at my girlfriend, grabbing one of her hands. We all adjust ourselves around a table and listen as my mom counts down from three, "Three...two...one." The flash goes off and Laura giggles causing me to look at her. "What?" I ask, smirking. "I did the Ross pouty face." she says, showing me her impression. "Couldn't have done it better myself."

"Ross! Come on and I'll give you a ride!" mom yells.


"Sup man?" I ask Calum as I walk onto set. His eyes go huge, "I thought you weren't coming in today." I shrug, "I would have to come back sometime. Why? What's up?" Familiar laughter makes me turn around, clenching my fists at what I see. Laura and one of my good friends, Garrett Clayton, stand to the side laughing about something. "Ross, it's not what it looks like-" "I'll be right back." I mutter. I walk to another room, making sure to walk past Laura and Garrett as I do so. "Sup man?" he asks. I keep walking, "Not much." I run my hands through my hair in frustration as I close the door to my dressing room behind me until I get an idea. My fingers manage to get my phone from my pocket and dial a number. "Hello." the cheerful voice says. "Hey Maia."

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