Needs...Part 1

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Ross' POV:

I roll over, rubbing my eyes as take a glance at my alarm clock, stopping when I almost roll onto a sleeping Laura. "Almost killed me there, Lynch." I chuckle, pulling at her waist to where she rests her head against my chest. "Almost." I say, my voice cracking making Laura let out a loud laugh. My fingers sink beneath the fabric of her t-shirt and apply pressure to her waist causing her to let out a squeal. "Ross, don't." she insists, reaching underneath the covers to pry my fingers from her waist.

"Too late!" I scream, throwing myself on top of her, laughter coming from her mouth as my fingers work at her sides. "Ross!" she is barely able to get out because of the constant laughter. I join in on the laughter, unable to stop myself as I watch her giggle below me, her eyes shut closed, pink lips parted slightly. "Say I'm the best boyfriend ever." I say, watching as her eyes shoot open. "I would if-if I could get a coherent sentence o-out." she says, still trying to push my hands away from her dainty figure. "Okay, I'll stop tickling on three just so you can tell me," I smirk at her squirming figure, "one..two...two and a half..." "Ross!" she groans. "Three!" I shout as my fingers come to a halt. "Ross, you are the best boyfriend ever." she says, breathing heavily, her eyes in a teasing glare.

"Would you still say that if I did this?" My fingers start at her sides again. She squeals, obviously not expecting the action, her knee jerking up coming in contact with the one place no male ever wants to be hit. I groan, rolling off her body and to the other side of the bed, clutching the area. Laura is unable to hold in her laughter as she brings her knees to her chest, her arms wrapping tightly around the area to keep them there, as she continues laughing hysterically. "I didn't mean to!" she interjects, changing positions to where she sits on her knees, still laughing a bit. "I'll just let you take care of anyone who tries to attack us in public, specifically a male." She leans over to press a tender kiss to my mouth, my muscles immediately relaxing under her touch. "Better?" she hums, pulling away from a second. "I might could use a little more." I smirk. She rolls her eyes, grinning, as she moves to straddle my waist. "As you wish, Mr. Lynch."


Laura's POV:

I watch as Ross flips a pancake before the soggy object lands back in the pan with a sizzling thud. "Those look amazing." I comment, my eyes taking in his figure, his black skinny jeans low enough for his hot pink underwear to be visible beneath his white t-shirt. "Come here, and help me." I smile as I slip from the counter top and make my way over to him. He takes me in his arms, pressing his front to my back, moving one of my hands to where it rests on handle of the pan and the other around the spatula. "Now my secret is to flip them at least twice while their cooking." His hand works on top of mine to move the spatula underneath the pancake before giving it a toss, watching as it sizzles back into the pan. "Try it by yourself." he suggests, placing his hands onto my waist. I concentrate to do exactly what Ross just showed me, but nearly drop the spatula when warm lips hit the base of my neck, right below where my hair is tied up sloppily on the top of my head. "Something smells good!" Rocky shouts, his footsteps thudding down the stairs. Ross mutters something under his breath I don't quite understand before backing away from me, leaving me to flip the pancake. "Pancakes!" I smile over at Rocky once he comes into view. I scoop up the scorching object before placing it on top of the stack. "Please tell me that's the last one. I'm starving." he says, crossing his arms, his eyes not leaving the stack of pancakes. "Yeah, that's the last one. Help yourself. I'm going to wash up."

I place a kiss to Ross' cheek before going down the small hall and to the restroom. "Woah, sorry Laur." Ryland says as he bumps into me, exiting the bathroom. "It's okay. Pancakes are ready in the kitchen." I smile. He nods, thanking me as I enter the bathroom. I quickly wash up before heading back down the hall, stopping when I hear my name. "So you and Laura haven't done the deed yet?" "Why does it matter?" Ross asks Rocky. "Y'all have been dating awhile." Ryland puts in. Everything goes silent, and I'm about to walk in when I hear Rocky speak up again, "I mean, don't you want to?" "Of course! She's my girlfriend, and I love her. We just aren't trying to rush things." I smile, I have a dream guy. "So you're saying if she tried, you wouldn't stop her?" Ryland asks. "I wouldn't stop her, but that's not going to happen. I know she won't be the first one to make the move." My eyebrows arch, finding that comment somewhat offensive when Ross speaks again, snapping me from my thoughts. "Can we stop with these questions? Yes, Laura and I have gotten pretty far, just not as far as you guys are clearly interested in knowing about. Do I wish sometimes we weren't so careful? Yes. I mean, I'm a guy. I have needs." My throat tightens as my eyes start to water at the thought of not making Ross happy enough. They continue to exchange conversation, but I don't listen being too caught up in my thoughts.

I walk back down the hall, making sure that when I come back down my footsteps are able to be heard. All three heads turn in my direction as I work my way to the front door, grabbing my bag. "Laur, what's up?" Ross asks, his chair screeching against the tile floor as he scoots back to stand and make his way over to me. "I need to go home and run my lines for tomorrow's shoot." I say, fumbling around in my bag to find my keys. "Stay here, we can run them together." I shake my head, getting frustrated with myself when I can't find my keys. "We'll be upstairs if you guys need us." Rocky says, tugging Ryland up with him, and heading down the hall.

I sigh when I finally find them, pushing stray pieces of hair away from my face, not daring to look up at Ross. "Laur-" "Vanessa is home. She is hardly ever home so when she offered to run lines with me I thought it would be nice." His hands take my face and tilts it up, his brown eyes catching my glossy ones. "Then why are you crying? Please tell me the truth." he sighs. "Just happy she is home." I lie, looking down when more tears flood my eyes. "Laura, please. I'm really trying here." he whispers, moving his hands down to my shoulders. I look up at him long enough to press a simple kiss to his mouth, my fingers not occupied with keys, fisting his t-shirt before I turn around and walk out the door.

I'm able to get outside and into my car before he comes outside. I start to back out of his driveway when he comes up beside my window. "Please." he mouths through the glass. I slowly roll down the glass window, "I just need some time." "Time for what? Laura, please. What did I do?" "I'll see you tomorrow on set, okay?" I back the rest of the way out, refusing to look at him as rain starts pelting down. I hit the gas hard, speeding down the road, rolling my window up. I honestly don't know why I'm so upset. I guess the fact that Ross does everything for me, fills every need possible, and I always thought I returned that. I quickly turn on the radio, cringing when I realize it's Radio Disney, and R5's single blares through the speakers. I quickly cut it off, trying to ignore the flashing of missed calls and text messages from my phone lying in the passenger seat. I reach to grab it causing the wheel to jerk in my hands. I look up and see a flash of another car in the same lane as me before everything goes black.

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