Scavenger Hunt Part 1

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Laura's POV:

I adjust my top before walking down the hall and to the kitchen. The smell of waffles hits my nose making me walk faster, my black heels making louder noises step by step. The kitchen is empty and perfectly clean like the waffles had never been made. A plate sits perfectly in front of a seat with a note taped beside it. I quickly peel the note and read:

So hey there,

So here is just the start of making that horrible argument up to you from last night. I know you love my waffles and hey making them shaped like hearts and adding strawberries can't hurt right? Eat up and then take the car downstairs. It will lead you to your next hint. You like challenging stuff right? Well Math is challenging so I will just take that as a yes. Enjoy this challenging scavenger hunt. :)


A smile spreads across my face as I sit and quickly eat my breakfast before washing the dish and placing it back in the cabinet. I take the elevator down to the lobby and out the back to find a driver waiting for me. "Hello Ms. Marano." I smile as he leads me to a car, making small talk. He opens the door and allows me to slip in the back seat before shutting it behind me and getting into the driver's seat to drive away. When the car stops I glance out the window to find the Austin and Ally set building. "You know the way?" I nod and thank him before stepping out of the car and walking inside.

"Why hey there." Calum says as I walk past his dressing room. I smile, "Are you my next hint?" He places a hot pink sticky note on my forehead and then casually walks away. I giggle before peeling it off my head to read:

Now that you are laughing at Calum,

go to where we had our first kiss.

Ross' house. I retrace my steps, high-fiving Calum as I go. The driver opens my car door and once again resumes his position in front of the steering wheel. "To Ross'-" "I got all the stops from Mr. Ross. So please, sit back and enjoy the ride Ms. Marano." My head finds the seat as I adjust my body to where I'm comfortable. When the car stops I smile at the driver, "I'm assuming I'll see you again in a few minutes." He shrugs, "Guess you'll find out Ms. Marano." He smiles at me as I get out and walk up the steps of the Lynch house. Rocky meets me at the door, yelling random things as he opens it. I giggle, "Hello to you too Rocky." "I was asked to give these to you." He places two sticky notes in my hand and I peel the first one of to read:

Hi :)

When I look up at him, my eyebrows furrow. "That's from Ryland." I nod, the smile never fading as I go to read the next one.

So right now, even though you're smiling,

you're ready to kill me. It's almost over Laur

I promise. Now head to Rydel's room and go from there.

"My lady?" Rocky asks, holding out his arm. I link my arm through his and let him lead me through the house, towards Rydel's room. The door opens and Rydel's smile greets me as she giggles. "Enjoy the bubble bath and then put on the dress that is waiting for you." She leads me towards the bathroom while handing me a furry robe. The door closes as I turn in amazement at the sight in front of me. "Wow." I breathe.


I watch as Rydel places the curling iron down and I rub my lips together in front of her mirror. "Ross has good taste in dresses." she comments, adjusting the fabric of my dress. I shift, "Thanks for this." She smiles, looking at me in the mirror, "I'm not the one you should be thanking." She hands me a purse that matches the white Converse on my feet which of course has Ross written all over it. She walks out of the room as I notice a bright yellow sticky note on the side of the bag.

Now look up and you'll find Riker waiting to take you to a limo.

See you soon my love. :)

I grin as my eyes travel up and meet Riker standing at the doorway. "He's crazy for you." he comments as I take his arm. "I'm glad because I feel the same way." "Oh, young love." he sighs dramatically. I shake my head as I laugh at his comment. I step inside the vehicle to find Ratliff behind the wheel. He grins at me before driving off, "Why hello." "So Ross planned all this?" I question. He nods, "Sad to say my little brother has more romantic ideas than myself." I grin at the fact he called Ross his little brother. "He is pretty great, Ratliff." He clears his throat, "It's Ellington on this special occasion." A high pitched noise also known as a giggle escapes my throat. "Yes sir." The car stops and I stare out the window to see the wild life reservation we had dinner at a few nights ago. "And this is when you are supposed to get out of the car and live happily ever after." I laugh, "Well thanks for the ride Rat- Ellington." I quickly correct myself. He nods, "Now go! A surprise is waiting."

I walk down a lit path as lights hang from trees above me. I smile when I see a note taped to a tree.

Guess who is getting closer...

I turn and see another one which only makes me smile bigger.

It's you, if you couldn't guess.

I laugh a little and continue my way down the path. Another note catches my eye from a distance. I walk faster by the second wanting to get the note as soon as possible. I sigh when I grip it in my hand.

Now turn around princess.

I turn and gasp at what I see, my mouth agape. "You look so beautiful." he mumbles, his eyes taking in my full body.

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