Heartbreak Part 2

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Laura's POV: 

"So are you excited about guest starring on a Disney Channel show?" I ask Garrett as we walk down the hall to my dressing room. "Of course. I'm just anxious to see what show they will put me on. It's fun that my manager is sending me from set to set to get to know each cast so I'll be prepared to guest star on any show. Enough about me though, how's dating Ross?" I shrug, "I wouldn't know. We broke up a couple days ago." "Laura, I'm so sorry. I didn't know-"  

I manage to smile as I turn to look at him as we walk into my dressing room, "It's fine; I understand." "Are you really okay?" He asks. I force a smile as I push away thoughts that cause tears to flood my eyes, "Yeah, I mean, Ross and I were friends before we started dating, why can't we be just friends now?" "Laura," I look up from my hands that I fiddle with in my lap, "I asked if you were okay not if you guys would still be friends." "Yeah, I'm fine. Want to play Guitar Hero?" 

He sighs as I stand from the couch to start the game but smiles nevertheless, "Sure, but just get ready to be killed." "Oh it's on!" I laugh, handing him a guitar. "Don't cry when you lose." he smirks. I scroll through the songs, glancing at him when I speak, "Oh don't worry. You will be the one crying."


"Everyone to set! Cast meeting in five." I throw my hands up as the announcement ends and the song finishes on the small flat screen. "You're good Marano." I grin at him as he takes the guitar from my hands. "What was that about killing me earlier?" "Ross taught you well." He laughs as he places the instruments where they belong. I stay silent until he turns around, keeping my eyes on the ground, "So I guess we should head to set." "Laura I didn't mean to-" "I'll race you!" I giggle, attempting to stay off the topic of my ex.

I reach the door before him, but as soon as I have the door open my feet stop. Tears flood my eyes as I see Ross locked lips with Maia. They pull away from each other, and I watch as Ross' eyes go huge around the same time Maia's face flushes the color of a tomato. "How low can you honestly get Ross?" I whisper. "I'll see you later Garrett." I add. I manage to give him a slight smile before turning on my heels. 

My breath matches my fast paced steps as I turn every corner I possibly can to get away from Ross. "Laura!" A large hand grips my wrist causing me to turn around and face the blond boy I used to call mine. "You, Ross Lynch, are someone I never thought you would be. By the way that fake kiss with Maia should have been rehearsed a few more times. I've seen your acting, you could have done better." "And what makes you think it was fake?" "Because I know you. You think I invited Garrett to set. You think I brought him here to make you jealous so you called Maia to get back at me. Well news flash, he's here because he might get the chance to guest star. You would know that if you actually came to set for more than five minutes a day!" 

"I'm sorry okay? I'm sorry that I'm clueless when it comes to fixing things. I just want you back so bad that I don't even know what I'm thinking anymore. I don't come to set because it is hard to face what I have lost. The only thing I'm sure of is that I love you Laura." He turns his back to me as he starts to walk away. I wipe the tears from my eyes and mutter, "I gave you that second chance you know. I forgave you that night at the cabin because you did everything you could to get me to forgive you. Now you're running around kissing one of my best friends to get under my skin like that will get me to forgive you. Guess I'm an idiot because it's working." 

He turns back around, a smile covering his mouth. "Well you know third time is the charm. You  forgive me?" I shake my pointer finger at him as he starts to come closer, "I haven't forgave you all the way yet. You still have a lot of work to do." His hands rest on each side of my face, "I'm willing to work for that." 

Ross' POV: 

Her lips twitch upward into a smile causing her eyes to brighten as she stifles a laugh. She wipes her nose as she glances towards the ground, "Gosh I'm a mess." "But you're my mess Laura Marano." Her brown orbs meet mine as she leans towards me. The taste of Cherry Chapstick is on my mouth in seconds as her lips press against mine. 

"Ross. Ross! Ross, come on get up!" My eyes open to see Maia standing above me. I rub my eyes, shifting underneath the sheets of my bed. "Maia?" "Come on we have to get to set so you can win Laura back!" "Sorry Maia, but I don't think I'll need you anymore." "Ross, come on." She laughs. I run my fingers through my hair as part of my dream comes back to me. 

"You forgive me?" She shakes her pointer finger at me as I start to come closer, "I haven't forgave you all the way yet. You still have a lot of work to do." My hands rest on each side of her face, "I'm willing to work for that." 

"If I'm going to win Laura back, I'll do it on my own." "Someone changed his mind overnight." I slip a shirt on and stuff my phone into my sweatpants pocket, stumbling towards the bathroom. "Thanks though. I owe you one Australia!" I hear her laugh at the nickname I gave her while filming TBM. "Yeah, yeah America. Just go get your girl back. I'll be shopping with Rydel when you get back." I smile as I wipe my mouth on the back of my hand after brushing my teeth and rinsing. My girl. I like that. 


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