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"I can't believe you didn't ask for Gogurt." I kick Ross' leg under the table, "It's just a bagel. I eat them all the time on set." He smiles and opens his mouth to say something until we are interrupted. "Excuse me." Ross and I look up to see a girl and boy around our age standing at the edge of the table, her eyes glancing between us but staying longer on my boyfriend. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but do you guys think I could get a picture?" "Of course!" I smile as both Ross and I stand from the table. "Will you take it?" She asks holding the phone towards the boy. He nods and takes the picture once Ross and I are on either side of the girl. "Thank you so much." She squeals as she hugs Ross before hugging me. "No problem. Big fan of the show?" Ross speaks up as we sit down at the table. The girl nods making us both smile up at her. 

"Could I get a picture?" The boy asks all of a sudden, blush creeping onto his cheeks. "Of course man." Ross speaks as we once again stand, Ross' eyes staying on the stack of pancakes he has been unable to touch yet. "Actually I was hoping to get one with just Laura." The boy speaks making me have to hold in my laugh at Ross' facial expression as he takes the boy's phone to take the picture. "Alright." Ross mumbles as the guy puts his arm around me. I smile as Ross counts down from three. As soon as Ross is done he returns to my side, handing the boy his phone before linking our hands. "We will let you guys eat now. Sorry for the disruption." The girl speaks before going back to their table. "That was nice of them." I say, taking a bite of my bagel. 

Ross keeps his eyes on his food, cutting a piece of his pancake off before shoving it into his mouth. "Ross." He glances up, puffing his cheeks out as he sighs. "Are you jealous?" "No." He mutters, licking his lower lip. "You're jealous I got asked for a picture and not you." I smirk. He sits his fork down, folding his hands on top of the table, "That's not even it." "Then what's wrong?" "That guy with his blushing and putting his arm around you. Like obviously, he is into you." I laugh making Ross run his fingers through his hair, "And obviously we are dating. Can he not see that?" My laugh gets louder at his statement. "How is this funny?" he asks. I reach over to grip his hand on top of the table, "Because he is just some guy that I don't even know the name of and that I will probably never see again, and you Ross Shor Lynch are my incredible, jealous boyfriend." "Come here." He says and waves a hand. I walk to his side of the booth and grin when he puts an arm around me, placing his lips to my cheek when I sit down. 

He smiles, squeezing my hand before pulling it back to grab his glass of orange juice and take a sip. "But you should have seen your face." I giggle. "Laur-" "You were like," I imitate his facial expression before busting into laughter once again, "It was great." "Well you should have seen your face when that girl was looking at me." Ross says, making his eyes go big as he places his hands flat on the table top surface. "I did not." I argue. "Oh yes you did, Laur." "Whatever makes you feel better about your jealousy." I shrug, grinning at him before finishing off my breakfast, watching as he sticks out his bottom lip in a pout. It does not last long though because when I mock his facial expression he instantly smiles.  


Ross keeps his fingers tangled with mine, above his head on a pillow as we lay on his bed, facing each other. The Script plays quietly in the room as we communicate here and there. "I like your fingers." He comments making me smile. "Yours are nice too Ross." I say the only thing that comes to mind. "And I like that the ring I gave you is on your fingers." I let out a quiet laugh, taking my hand away from his. "I'm starting to think you like my hands more than you like me." Ross rolls his eyes, his hand gripping mine again no matter how much I try to fight it, "Your hands are just one of the things I love about you." "Oh so there's more?" I smirk, leaning closer to him to where my forehead rests against his. "There's a lot, Laur. Even if I told you one everyday for the rest of our lives, there would still be some unspoken." 

"Will you do that?" I ask, leaning my head back to my pillow to get a better view of his whole face.  His eyebrows furrow causing me to giggle which makes him repeat the action a few times. "Do what?" "Tell me something you love about me everyday." He smiles, pecking my lips gently, "If it will make you happy." He buries his face in my neck, placing a slow kiss causing me to squirm. He laughs at the reaction and asks, "Do you want me to stop?" I shake my head and let him continue, his hands making their way to my waist, slowly going up my shirt. I place my finger under his chin in order to bring his lips to mine.  

"Ross honey." Stormie's voice is heard through the door as she lightly knocks. Ross quickly sits up from his position of hovering over me and runs a hand through his hair as I work to cover up my visible stomach. "Yeah mom?" "Lunch is ready if you're hungry." She says, opening the door slightly to reveal her smiling face. "Oh hi Laur. You must have gotten in early this morning. I didn't even know you were here." I smile at her, "Hey Stormie." "Well there's plenty for both of you so come on down when y'all are ready." We both nod as I wave when she smiles once again before disappearing down the hall. "I guess we should go. I'm pretty hungry, but not for the food that's downstairs." My cheeks flush as he leans closer to me connecting our lips before I push him away by his chest, unable to hold in my laughter. "You're too much, Ross."

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