Scavenger Hunt Part 2

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Laura's POV:

"You look beautiful." he speaks as I walk towards him. I smile and twirl around making him grin, "Thank you. Only because you have amazing dress taste." My eyes continue to scan the area around me, "This is all amazing." "It gets better." he mentions as my feet stop as I get right in front of him. His hands out of habit find mine and he laces our fingers. "Better?" He turns around and hunches down motioning for him to jump on his back, "Here." I shake my head, "Ross I can walk." "Laur!" he says, turning around to wiggle his eyebrows at me. I giggle, "I mean you gave me perfectly good walking shoes to wear." My hands motion down to the white Converse that cover my feet. "But those are white and I know how you are about stains-" "But they aren't even mine." I laugh when I see him roll his eyes. "Stop arguing like a married couple and go already!" Ratliff yells making us both jump.

Ross pulls me into his arms, one arm placed under my knees and the other behind my back, bridal style, causing me to screech. "Don't fight it." he laughs. I pout but put my head against his chest. "You look beautiful." I close my eyes and let laughter spill from my parted lips, "You already said that." "I know but I just feel like I could never say it enough times to make you believe it." I grin and lean to press a kiss to his cheek, opening my eyes for a second before putting my head back on his chest. "You look beautiful too." "Beautiful?" he asks, barely getting the word out because of his loud laughter. "You sound like an obsessed fangirl." he says as he laughter dies down to a light chuckle. I smirk, "Number one fan baby."

"Hey Laura." Ross whispers. I open my eyes once I realized he has stopped walking, "Hm?" He places me to my feet and points off in the distance. My mouth falls agape as I walk up the small distance to the beautiful cabin. I swing the door open and step inside eyeing every beautiful aspect of the entrance. "For us?" I ask. His arms find my waist and soon his head rests on my shoulder, "Just for us. Two nights in a row." I bite down on my lip as a grin forms on my mouth. "Race you upstairs!" he yells, pulling me away from my thoughts.


I eye the bedroom, "Why is there just one bed?" When he does not respond I turn to find his smirking face eyeing me. "I'm still mad you know." I say, turning my head so he doesn't see the smile covering my face. "You're not acting mad." he says as he comes up behind me. "Well I guess I'm a good actor then." I say, turning away from him to go back down the stairs. His hands find my waist and in one quick move I'm over his shoulder. "Ross Shor Lynch!"

Ross' POV:

"Laura Marie Marano!" I mock, putting my hands under the dress material that covers her thighs. A high pitched noise escapes her throat as she tries to smack my hands away. I twirl around causing her to scream at first but soon I hear laughter bringing a smile to my face. "Say you're not mad!" I scream running down the stairs. "My mom told me to never lie!" she says causing me to continue running around the house. Her continuous laughter fills the room, hands slapping my back. I make my way out the back door and she grips my shoulders. "No, please." I eye the crystal blue water of the pool and smirk before getting ahold of her waist. "Ross, I'm not mad. Please-"

"Good to hear babe." I say before throwing her into the pool. She comes up a smile covering her face, "Ross!" I laugh and yell, "Cannonball!" I jump into the pool, coming up beside her. "I give it a ten." she giggles as she wraps her arms around my neck. "I'm so sorry for the other night." She waves her hand before placing it on my shoulder as her back hits the wall of the pool, my front only inches away from her's. "So we're okay?" "Always." she whispers. I lean and put my forehead on her's, "So we can get out of this freezing ass pool now?" She laughs as she nods, both of us heading for the steps of the pool.


I stroke the hair on her head as she sips the hot chocolate from the mug placed carefully between her palms. Fire crackles in the fireplace as silence has taken over the room. "Can I play something for you?" She sits up immediately, "Like a song?" I chuckle as I reach over her for my guitar that sits behind her, "Yeah, like a song." She nods and I smile as I fiddle with the strings, "I kind of wrote this the other night when we got into that fight. We're actually thinking about putting it on the R5 album." I glance to find her brown eyes resembling a puppy's as she aimlessly fiddles with my t-shirt that looks huge on her dainty figure. "This is If I Can't Be With You." Through the whole song I hold eye contact with my girlfriend who is wiping at her eyes by the end of the song. "Gosh I love you." she says, practically jumping into my lap after I put my guitar down. Her arms are almost as tight around my neck as mine are around her waist. "I love you too, Laur." "Remind me of this moment when we get into another pointless argument, not that I could ever forget." I laugh, clutching her small figure tighter, "Let's go to bed. I have stuff planned for tomorrow." She jumps on my back and we head upstairs. I smile when I hear her humming the song I just sang to her until she whispers in my ear, "I might be able to take you up on that bedroom offer now." I run into the bedroom, Laura squeals filling the silence until our lips meet.

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