I have faith in us

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Ross' POV:

I nervously bite down on my lip, "What do you mean?" I ask. "We're not dating." Laura quickly defends us. "I know that's what I wanted to talk to you guys about." He says. "Um you wanted to talk about us not dating?" I ask, confused. "Have you guys seen the fan base on twitter?" He asks. "You mean the Austin and Ally fans?" Laura asks. "No the Raura fans." The director says. "Raura?" Laura and I ask at the same time. "As in Ross and Laura. I mean why not give the fans what they want. I've talked it over with the other directors and we all agreed. The couple we need is right here. It would be great publicity for the show and you guys!" He says. "So you want us to date?" I ask, grinning. "Yes I think fake dating is just the perfect idea. You guys up for it?" Of course, fake dating.

"Well I'll do it." Laura says, looking up at me. "Ross?" He asks. I look from Laura to the director, "I'm in." He grins, "Great! So now I want you guys to get pictures out! I want you to tweet each other. Everything couples do!" I nod, chuckling. "Act like a couple. We get it." I grin. "Alright. See you guys Monday." We wave as he walks away. "This is perfect." Laura says, grabbing my arms. "Not as perfect as you." I say and watch as her cheeks light up. "Cheesy but I'll take it." She smiles. I study her face as I take a piece of her hair and twirl it around my finger. I lean down, my lips only inches away from mine. "You want to kiss me?" I tease. Her breath quickens on my lips. "Ross-" I cut her off by my lips pressing against hers. She pulls away and leans in again only to kiss my nose. "Um." I say, not sure what to say. "Mm?" Laur asks. "That's just not what I was expecting." I say. "Were you expecting this?" She says, slowly backing me into the wall. I grin when her lips meet mine. "Now that's more like it." I grin. "Stop that." She says. Her lips part, showing her perfect teeth. "Stop what?" I ask. "Looking at me like that. Like I'm perfect." "Like this?" I ask, smiling as I look into her eyes. She covers her eyes, "Ross-" "I do it because you are perfect to me Laura. We are perfect. We're best friends and in a relationship. We do everything together and not worry about what the other person thinks. We're just perfect."

Laura's POV:

I look up into his eyes and smile. My hand wraps around his head and tangles in his blonde hair. "You Ross Lynch are the perfect one. I have millions of teenage girls to back me up on that." He smirks and leans to kiss my forehead. "It's like a perfect romantic movie." Calum says. I turn to see him, staring at us from the doorway. "Dude." Ross laughs. "What? You guys are legit perfect." He says making me bury my head into Ross' chest. "I'm starting to question your gender." Ross says. I laugh into his chest as Ross snakes his arm around my waist. "What can a dude not find something cute?" Calum asks, seriously. "Yeah like it's okay that you find Raini cute but not Laura and I." My head shoots from his chest, a squeal escaping my lips.

"You like Raini?" I jump up and down. Calum scratches the back of his neck, "Don't tell her." I run towards him and put my hand on his shoulder, "You guys would be so cute." He shrugs, "You think?" I nod and say, "Do me a favor and ask her out." "Woah! On a-" "Date, yes." Ross finishes. Calum screams causing me to cover my ears. Ross sees my confused face and answers, "His first date went completely horrible. So now he just hates dates all together." "Don't be nervous, Calum. It's Raini, she won't say anything mean and I definitely don't think y'all's date would go bad." I assure him. "Are you sure?" He asks. "Positive, now go ask her." I say pushing him towards the door. "Fine. Wait! We can't date..." He says, turning back to face Ross and I. "Why?" Ross asks, taking my hand in his. "Because the contract." He says. "I have an idea." I smirk. "And that is?" Calum asks, eager. "Wouldn't the show get more publicity if two couples from the show dated?" I ask. Ross grins and his hand slightly moves in mine. "You my friend-" "Are awesome. I know." I smirk making Calum pull me into a hug. Ross lets my hand go long enough to let Calum hug me. As soon as I'm back by his side he joins our hands together again.

I glance at him as Calum starts to speak, "So what happens if you guys break up and they still want you guys to fake date?" I feel Ross' hand tighten around mine. "That's not going to happen though." Ross says. "Dude be realistic." Calum says. Ross' shoulders move up and down, "I have faith in us." "I'm just trying to be real." Calum says. Ross eyes me and I say, "Why don't we take a picture Ross?" When neither of them say anything I say, "Here. You take the picture." I hand Calum my phone and pull random 3D glasses from the table beside us. Ross stands behind me and we pose. "Thanks Calum." I say as he hands me my phone back. I ignore the boy's silence around me and get on Twitter and tweet the picture: Hey there @RossR5 :) "And done." I announce.

Raini walks up making Ross and I glance at Calum. Guess Ross is over their little boy fight. "So..." I start for Calum. "What's up?" Raini asks. "Calum wants to know..." Ross urges. "If I can borrow your hair brush?" Calum blurts. I cover my mouth, resisting the urge to laugh. "Let's try this again. He wants to know.." Ross says. "If you.." I say. "Will go on a date with me?" Calum finishes. I smile and look at Raini. "Sorry, no." She says running off. Calum glances at us before walking away. "Calum, dude, wait!" Ross says running towards him. I chase after Raini and stop when I see her. "I thought you liked Calum.." I say. "I'm scared." I hear her whisper. I sit beside her and wrap an arm around her shoulders. "I won't hurt you." Calum says, walking up. "Just one date and then we can see what happens." He adds. I grin at Raini as she stands. My mouth drops when I hear her answer.

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