Spaghetti Party and Gogurt

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Ross' POV:

I watch as Calum embraces Raini after her final answer of yes. Laura's heels clack against the hard, tile floor as she jumps up and down, similar to her dance on Austin and Ally. I laugh and pull her in by the waist making her back hit my front. Her hands reach up and wrap around my neck. I smile and peck her arm as her hands play with the back of my hair. "Shall we?" Calum asks. "Bye guys." Raini grins. They walk around the corner only for Raini to run back. She links hands with Laura as they jump up and down, squeals escaping their mouths. "Have funnnn." Laura says. Raini shoots us both a smile before walking away, catching up to Calum.

"They are so great together." Laura says as she walks closer to me, my hands gripping the soft material of her shirt. "Yeah, almost better than us." I say. I press my lips to her slightly curved ones and smile. "I can't believe I waited so long to ask you out." "I can't believe you asked as soon as you did." She says as we walk down the hall. "You're serious?" I ask. "Yeah I mean I thought you liked other girls. I never imagined you liking me." She says. I grip her hand in mine and say, "I practically drool over you and flirt twenty four seven." I say. She nods, "I just felt like you were too good for me." I follow her into her dressing room and watch as she grabs her things. "If anything you're too good for me." I mutter. She shakes her head, "Lets just forget it. We're together and that's all that matters."

"I'm happy we can act like a couple now." I add, facing her smiling. I look from her lips to her eyes, a bad habit I have. "I know. It's great." She says looking at my lips. I toss her bag onto my shoulder and smile, "My mom is making spaghetti No Gogurt but I mean-" "Spaghetti sounds nice." she nods. I smile and laugh as she shakes her head saying, "Gogurt.." "Hey it's your favorite food!" "Not my favorite..." she giggles. "It's all you eat!" I say. "It's not all I eat, okay it's most of what I eat." she says, looking up at me. I smile and lean down to brush my lips across her hair. My gentle action causes her small fingers to tighten around my larger ones. I smile and open the door that leads to the parking garage where my car is parked.

A lonely pap starts to snap pictures causing Laura to pull her hand away. I grip her hand tighter and lean down to whisper, "It's okay remember?" I move my lips away from her ear and smile at the pap before opening the passenger door for Laura, letting her get in. I shut the door and jog around my Range Rover before sliding in the seat. When I hand Laura her purse a slight smirk fills her mouth, "Want me to hold your bag?" I chuckle while starting the car, "Funny." "I'm sorry Mrs. Lynch. Did you say you need atampon?" I scrunch my nose at her use of girly words. She laughs at my face, putting her legs on my dash, as I take a left near my road. "Aw, come on don't get quiet." she says. I turn the radio up, making her silent but not for very long. "Roossss." she whines. I swipe my hair out of my eyes and pull into my driveway. "I'm sorry." she whimpers.

I cut the car off and smile against her lips as she pulls my face towards hers. "I won't say anything about tamp- girly items again." I brush my lips across her's, "Promise?" "Promise." she giggles. I kiss her and move my hand up to move hair out of her face. Someone hits my window making me jump away from Laura. Riker's laughing face meets my startled one. "Dang dude!" He yells, shoving his face onto my window. I open the door quickly, hitting him with it, a groan escaping his mouth. Laura runs over and says, "Are you okay?" "Don't ask if he's okay!" I yelp. "Yes, thanks for asking Laura or should I say my brothers new girlfriend." He says. I rub my lips together, "And this is why I said don't ask if he's okay." "Did I hear the word girlfriend?" Rydel asks, walking up with Rocky and Ratliff. "Well I was going to tell everyone over dinner but yeah Laura and I are together." I say, holding up our linked hands. "But the contract-" Rocky says. "Well technically we're fake dating." I say. I watch their confused expressions as Riker says, "But what I just saw in the car-" "Was real. See we're dating but we're hiding it. Our managers came up with the idea of us fake dating which is okay with us because then if we get caught acting like a couple we can say we were just acting. If we kiss or something in public we can say we just did it for the paps." "So you're dating but no one knows. But technically for Austin and Ally you're fake dating." Rydel says. I nod and say, "Laura is my girlfriend." They all run towards us, hugging us.

I laugh and say, "Alright, alright! Let's eat!" They all cheer, running away including Laura who has locked hands with Rydel. I smile as Ratliff wraps an arm around my shoulders, "She's a keeper." "Always has been." He chuckles, slapping my shoulder before we walk inside. Mom already has Laura wrapped in a hug and dad has her in a discussion about football. I smile and hug my mom saying, "It's okay if Laura stays right?" "Of course. She's family." She smiles.

Laura's POV:

"You like pasta?" Mark asks. I nod, exchanging a quick glance with Ross' father. "My favorite." I say. He smiles as Ross sits in between us and pipes in, "Gogurt." I laugh and wiggle a little as Ross places his arm around my waist behind me. "Dinner!" Stormie yells. I stand and walk to the kitchen, getting a flick to the ear from Rocky. I grin up at him considering our major height difference. We sit around the large wooden table, spaghetti already placed on the plates for us. "This looks great. Thanks Stormie!" I say. She smiles at my comment before saying, "Nice to have you Laur." I start to swirl the substance around my fork until something slimy hits my head. I look to my left to see Ryland smirking.

I gasp as my hand grips spaghetti sauce in my hair. "Ryland!" Stormie yells. I grab the spaghetti from my plate and smash it into his face. "On the other hand-" Stormie says before everyone starts throwing food. Ross grabs me, chucking sauce all over me. I scream, pulling him close to me, allowing the sauce to seep onto his clothes also. His laugh rumbles through his body and sounds in my ear as he grabs my waist tighter. His lips meet mine and I smile at the familiar taste of spaghetti sauce. When we pull away everyone is laughing and heading for the showers. "Come on. Lets get changed." Ross says. He leads me to his room and hands me clothes before saying, "Go ahead and shower first." I smile and take the sweats from his hand, pecking spaghetti sauce from his cheek.
I lick the sticky substance of vanilla ice cream off my thumb before grabbing my spoon again and taking a bite. The Lynch family and I sit around the living room, cuddled in old blankets. Stormie and Mark were nice enough to clean up the messy kitchen and make us some ice cream. I go to put my spoon in my mouth when Ross' mouth swoops down and meets my spoon. I frown at the lack off ice cream in my mouth. I jut my bottom lip out, smiling, as Ross ducks to kiss it. "You guys are great together." Ratliff says. "Together?" Stormie asks. I bite my bottom lip. Didn't anyone tell her?

"You kids dating?" Mark asks. I feel my face turn red as I look around at everyone. "I thought you knew." Ross says. "And how would I have known?" Stormie asks. "We were talking outside, I thought someone would have told you." Ross shrugs. "How long?" Mark asks. "About a month and a half." I answer, shocked to hear my own voice. "And we didn't know because?" "No one did." Ross says. Stormie stands up and starts to walk away when I stand up, "Please don't be mad." "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed that my son didn't tell me and even you Laur, I thought you would have at least told us." I feel my body go numb as she walks out of the room. I pick up my bag and start for the door. "Laur-" "I need to go." I say. Ross turns me around and says, "Let me drive you." "Your mom needs you. I'll call Vanessa." I say. I close my eyes as his lips meet my forehead. My breath quickens for the second his lips meet my head. "Be safe." I nod and walk for the door. I'm half way out when I hear a statement making me smile. "Eat some Gogurt for me."

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