Found and Flashbacks

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Ok, first things first. I would just like to SCREAM MY HEAD OFF BECAUSE IM SO DANG HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I reached 1K reads!!!!!!!! Now for me, that's practically a million! Thank ya'll so much, you have no idea when the last time I smiled like that was! I think I stretched a jaw muscle when I saw that number! You're support, votes, and comments has been amazing so KEEP IT UP!!!
Author who's name will be unanimous until the end of this book.

Now to the story...

I closed my eyes as I plunged to the eerie depths of the bottom step. Who knows what terror with come when I open my eyes. And who knows what will happen when I discover who's voice that belongs to. I may be mauled to pieces, left for the world to wonder what ever did happen to the great Rachel Robby, soon to be McTang. Or maybe they will kill me slowly and tear me limb for limb and drop me off on my doorstep for my mom to find. Gosh, that would suck for her.

Dang, that sounds like an entry scene for a horror movie. Ugh! Why do I have to watch so many of those stupid films! No wonder I'm about ready to crap my pants.

Oh wait... I don't have pants... Then I'm ready to crap my fur and get diherea stuck around my but so it annoys me and I end up scratching the rest of my tail off in attempt to get the dried up poo off.


I took a few wobbly steps toward the darkness, but my eyes were closed and it's rather hard to see where you're going when you aren't looking. It's also hard to breathe when you're holding your breath.

Man, that sure made a lot of sense... Not. I guess it's true that people, and cats, ten to ramble when they're scared. But those last two sentences actualy remind me of some good times when I was actually... Normal. Well, not normal since I've never been normal, but y'know, human.

Flashback: (A/N: This part is dedicated to adekker13, my bestie and crazy idea partner!)

I hopped off the roof with a soft thud and landed in a ninja-like pose. Yup, me and Ally were on her house roof. I had a been bit hesitant at first, but as soon as she boosted me up, I forgot my fear of heights and I was soon running around like a mad man. It didn't even bother me when her mom yelled at us because we were 'Making the China cabinet rattle.'

You see, Ally and I have always had rather... Out of the ordinary ideas. We've played wii in the hottub, done yoga on some horses that Ally's cousin owns, and gone sledding through mud, not snow... Mud... with a quad, rope, and tiny sled. I let her do the cleanup after that. Haha, aren't I such a good friend?

But that just shows how much we enjoy each other's company; the fact that we can actually put up with each other when most people would've ditched us and our crazy ideas about eight years ago means alot. I mean, we're practically two pumpkins in a patch. Or is it roses on a vine? No wait, it's bubbles in a bath... I think. Either way, we can be totally natural around each other and we don't care what we do or say.

I dusted off my jeans even though they weren't that dirty, and watched as little specks of dust fell gently to the deck. Ally lived in a really quaint house around twenty minutes away from me. Because she was further out in the country, she had a dugout where as our acreage still got water from the town. Her house was a remodelled farm house with red brick walls, white pillars and shutter windows. It was like walking into a fariy tale when you came through her tree-lined yard. The front part was neatly pruned with matching daises and a rose garden that lined the front of the house. They had a small orchard area that the previous owners had grown just off to the side of their picture perfect driveway. So every summer we would sit in the trees, eating pears and pretending we were Tarzan while trying not to face plant ourselves as we jumped from tree to tree.

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