Phase Two

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Merry Christmas Eve! Think of this as your present to all of you! Thanks for all your reads, votes, and comments!
God bless!

I sure was regretting my wish. Well, if this even happened because of my wish, then I was regretting it. But either way, let me explain something:

I asked for an easier life. I wanted an easier life because of a stupid fight. So if my detective work is accurate, and I am Dexter because of my selfishness. In other words, I'm really regretting everything that I thought and said. Because Dexter's life is a little bit to easy for my liking.

Waiting for Ally was like waiting for the sun to go out of orbit and travel a million-gazillion km/h and destroy all man kind. So in other words, I was waiting a very long time and during that extreme amount of hours and seconds, I was very bored. Cats are drab.

Ok, you know I like to exaggerate and yes, I may have exaggerated just a tiny-weeny bit about the amount of time it's taking Ally to get here. But seriously, Dexter's life was sooooo blah. It was nice to do whatever I wanted, but I felt a greater urge to back to my normal routine.

It was especially weird to not wear clothes. Like extremely weird. I felt exposed all the time, and because Dexter wasn't neutered (we didn't want him to loose any more body parts) it felt even more awkward. I tried to keep my tail down, but sometimes, when your happy, it just pops up and it's like woah, tail, stay down. Yeah, I know. I'm strange.

Unfortunately, my moms still feeding me tuna. Yuk! And I've been loathing every minute of it. I've been over to the Thompson's nearly twice a day and I've actually become pretty good buds with Dotty. She's such a cute dog! I've been practicing my animal language on her and I'm pretty sure I don't make sense most of the time, but it's getting better.

What do cats even speak? Like is it just 'cat' or some phenomenon of a word that's also a very technical term describing the language in which animals communicate with each other?

Ha. That last sentence just proves I can still say smart stuff. Man, I sounded like Boo yah, baby!

Sorry, my studies have been lacking so I've been doing math terms and trying to write a composition of my life in my head so I can still keep my grades up.

So pretty much, I'm so bored that I'm resorting to school work to give me something to do and because I don't have the tools to write anything, I've been using my mind to record my daily activities.

For example, this is what I'd think:

I jumped up on my bed, walking around in a few circles like a dog before settling down on my plush duvet cover. I closed my eyes, trying to sleep, but the steady ticking of my analog clock kept me awake into the night.

And that is how I spent my time. Sad, I know, but what choice did I have? I've recorded most of my life for the past three days like that and if I was a book, I'd be close to a million pages long by now. Hmm, maybe I should start writing a book.

That's actually not a bad idea. I could record all my day-to-day activates and who knows, maybe I'll become famous!

I walked over to my iPad, preparing to start this unique journey of literature writing. It is something I have never thought of accomplishing, but here I am now, about to face a large task ahead of me as I try to concur the unfathomable.

Ugh, Rachel! Cut it out girl!

I started to put my thoughts into words and I was actually nearing the end of my "prologue" when I heard a silent clicking sound.

"Here kitty, kitty, kitty. Dexter, where are you?"

Uh oh, that's my mom. I closed off my notes and fumbled as I tried to turn the iPad off. That part was always the hardest. I had to use one paw to hold it still while using the other one to crane around the side and do this ninja like pose to push the button. It took a lot of skill. Never despise your thumbs.

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