Lavender Tower

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Lavender Tower didn't cast such a long shadow back then. At that time, Lavender Town was the home to a community of creative endeavors, including artists and writers. Painters were commissioned to paint the Tower in beautiful shades of orange, green, yellow, and bright shades of purple.

Blue always loved each new design of the Tower, staring out from behind a cloak. In the darkness of night, he'd watch the lights shine on the tower like a beacon for lost souls. That was also because the day was filled to the brim with people. And too many people knew him.

They called him "The Chosen One", destined to make things right with the pokemon world, ever since Red "The Cheater" Tajiri laid waste to every good trainer out there. At least that's how they told everyone on the news.

Blue was sick of the attention. He got handshakes, girls' phone numbers, and challenges from the best trainers. He appeared at Gym openings, Poke-Center visits, even to meet with the Mayor of Pewter City. His pokemon only trained with the best, were given the best supplements, taught the best moves, and soon enough, they will all be in their best forms. f only this kid would arrive soon...

He stood in the shadows of a kiosk at a marketplace, waiting for his man. This guy was going to help him finish his ultimate lineup, the one ready for the qualifiers and to crush Red once and for all!


The magic word!


"Blue! You're-"

Out of the shadows, Blue cupped the boy's mouth.

"Idiot! You want us to be heard?"

"Sorry. You have what you need?"

Blue held out his pokeball between the flaps of his cloak.

"The question is: Do you?"

"O-Of course, Mr. Oak."

He too held out a pokeball.

"Then let's trade. Remember, you give me the Pokeball back and I'll get you into the most exclusive gyms in town. Got it?"

"Y-yeah, Mr. Blue." The boy in his shorts could only imagine what it would be like to enter The Dojo and other gyms with his lineup of Normal types.

"They swapped pokeballs, the energy between the two trainers changing something in one of the pokemon. Blue's ball started to shake./p

"Blue, what's happening?"

The cloaked trainer shook with joy.

"It worked. The guy from the North was right."

The two trainers switched pokemon again and Blue opened his original Pokeball.

Kadabra emerged, covered in a slimy goo, almost as if reforming. The young trainer ran away in a silent panic.

The spark to evolve Kadabra came from the other trainer. Now it was ready to take on a new form. The rest of the psychic pokemon folded in on itself above the floor, only to rebuild itself into a form intimidating to anyone who saw it.

"Huh. It's working."

"Its ears became larger, its mustache grew longer, its stance got taller and two spoons materialized between its fingers. On its massive head, two green eyes stared out into the darkness.

Not many people had seen an Alakazam before. Blue nodded in approval at its new form. Even the pokemon was pleased, nodding to its trainer.

He called back his new pokemon and sent a successful message to Bill. That hint finally paid off.

Then, just for a second, he looked around and felt alone. Just for a moment. He had all of these people supporting him, but no one to have a good conversation with, or to genuinely battle a friend and the loser buys lunch. He was sick of being "the chosen one", but then he remembered: The Qualifier started in two days.

That gave him plenty of time to get to Cinnabar Island. With Growlithe, Gyarados, Eevee, Rhyhorn, and Gloom, Alakazam now joined the ranks of his lineup. He was as ready as he could.

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