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The crowd didn't applaud. They cheered, erupted into explosions of joy and disbelief. He heard them cheer his name. He slowly turned towards the crowd, his Ivysaur close to his side. He had done it.

It was all over. He did it! He beat Blue twice within six months! He waved his fists, jumped up and down and hugged his scaley flower-beast! Ivysaur returned the favor with cheerful growls as Red saw two figures jump the barricades to hug him.

Ray and Delia raced towards their victorious young friend as the crowd swarmed the three of them.

Surrounded by cheers of his own name, Red's eyes began to water. He had spent weeks and weeks to prepare for this. All those days befriending Snorlax, teaching Bulbasaur how to use its vines. Those sad moments at the Pokemon center and the other days in the sun. The Tauros rushes that succeeded and failed. The times where he hung out with Delia to see how she trained with Bellsprout and Charmander, then with Ray for Pikachu and Squirtle... because he didn't think he had what it took to become a trainer.

Still, he persisted. He rose with the Spearow and turned his Pokemon into powerful monsters, all at his command. The cheers added to the rush of power he felt.

He never wanted to train than then, at that moment, when his dreams finally came true.

Red! Red!

Red! Red!

Red! Red!

Red! Red!

Red! Red!

Red! Red!

Red! Red!

Red! Red!

Red! Red!

Red! Red!

Red! Red!

Red! Red!


The crowd dissipated while Red realized that there was still training to be done. He knew then that he could beat one trainer, but how will he fight two...

Yet Delia held him in her arms, with Ray not too far away.

"That. Was. AMAZING!! I never saw a solar beam like that in my life! You were SO GOOD out there! AND you have an IVYSAUR now! WHAT a BEAST!"

Ivysaur nudged Red, who obliged by returning it to the comfortable Pokeball, where a nap was in order.

"Thanks. But there's still work to do."

Delia took aback.

"What do you mean?! Let's go to the cafeteria and get some Lemonades, my treat!"

"I mean that once I heal my Pokemon I want to train some more. I know I can beat one, now I need to beat two to reach Blue's level, then get to be an actual Trainer! I've never been so close!"

"Atta boy!" The two of them saw Ray nod his head, his arms crossed as he walked towards them.

"We'll go to the Pokemon center and get them healed up!" I was going there anyway. We could train together!"

"ARE YOU NUTS?! He just fought the biggest battle of his life! You think he's going to battle again?! You're crazy. C'mon Red...Red?"

He pulled himself out of her warm embrace and rushed to meet his roommate.

"Sorry, Delia. We'll get Lemonades when the sun's gone down unless you want to come along?!"

Delia narrowed her eyes at the two of them before rolling her eyes, shrugging her shoulders, pushing back her ponytails and racing them to the pokemon center.

Pokemon: Kanto EliteWhere stories live. Discover now