Day One

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Snorlax, the sleeping pokemon. Very lazy. Just eats and sleeps. As its rotund bulk builds, it becomes steadily more slothful.

...Well that doesn't help me.

He stared hopelessly at the pokedex, theorizing that it must have been an idiot who must have given such a useless description. He bet that there probably were dozens of other entries that were made up by some stupid hackers who didn't know a jigglypuff from a clefairy.

He sighed as he leaned against the soft, heaving mass of his snorlax. Obviously it didn't go back into its ball. It wouldn't listen to a single thing he said. He even commanded it to rest and it still didn't listen.

He thought nothing would stop him from achieving his dream of building his pokemon dream team. He never took into account the sleeping menaces that occasionally blocked roads and caused a shortage of apples after only one found the orchards outside of vermillion city (the metal vermillion is good fertilizer for the apples that grow on Gemini, hence why they were there).

The day was still young, the battle cries he loved just a while ago rang through his ears. He could only dream of the pokemon he could have gotten as he vicariously trained other pokemon that he saw nearby.

Then snorlax would fidget to find another position to sleep in and awake its trainer. He wanted to complain to the administration about their poor choice of pokemon, but he was sure that it would fall onto deaf ears. Plus, it would be improper of such a trainer to complain about a pokemon that he couldn't train as easily as they thought. Then he might complain about the next one... for being too easy to train or something.

But he could not give up now. Not because of this. With the action of other battles around him, he tried something he never thought he would do.

He found Snorlax's armpit and began to tickle it. His Mom did that to him when he didn't listen. He thought he would hear it wake up and groggily listen to its new master. Instead he felt the full force of a fury swipe, sending him flying across the field and tumbling down the hill.

He slowly walked back up and thought of a new strategy while pulling blades of grass out of his thick hair. He leapt up onto Snorlax's big belly and tried shaking its head. Maybe that would help somehow. The next thing he knew he was pulled down by Snorlax's other hand and flung down to the ground.

As he shook the dirt off of his new pants, he frustratingly looked to the sky. Snorlax was huge, almost a thousand pounds. Brute force won't help at all.

Then it shifted. To his surprise, it woke up and stood up in front of his master. Red thought he was going to cry out of happiness, but then he was pushed to the side and treated to the sight of his 1000 pound behemoth running down a hill at full speed.

As soon as he realized that Snorlax was running towards the kitchen, where they must have been preparing lunch, he thought:

Uh oh...

Snorlaxs aren't satisfied until they eat 900 pounds of food...

The school's lunch was going to be Snorlax's snack if he didn't do something.

He bolted after his pokemon. He was known to be a fast runner, so being that Snorlax's speed was 30, it was easily overtaken by its scrawnier master.

Other trainers were noticing too. One of which knew exactly where the pokemon was going. He stood in front of the kitchen door, pokeball in hand at the ready.

"RAY! What are you doing?!" Another trainer exclaimed.

Other trainers were too scared of the charging beast. Red stared incredulously at the other boy as Ray stood there, "valiantly" blocking the way.

That trainer was going to challenge a starving snorlax? Was he out of his mind?!

Luckily he made it to the other trainer before Snorlax was even close.

"Kid, is that your pokemon?"

Red was gasping for air as he stood directly in front of him. He barely made it past the top of Ray's chest.

"Please... don't ... fight it. It's mine... I got this..."

"No you definitely don't! That thing is unstoppable. I got this! Pikachu, GO!"

He let loose the ball and out popped a white blob that morphed into a yellow mouse, with bright red cheeks and a brown tail. The snorlax stopped in its tracks as it stared down at the little mouse, electricity coursing around its body, generated from its cheeks.

"STOP!! Don't hurt it!" Red stood in front of his pokemon, hugging it behind his back.

"It didn't do anything wrong! Please stop!"

Ray sighed. This kid wasn't going to make it any easier, was he?


"NO! DON'T!!"

"Thundershock that snorlax!!"

In the seconds before pikachu was charged up, Red felt an arm grab his shirt and toss him away. He landed safely on the grass before his beloved pokemon was hit full force with a massive thundershock.

Some first day, he thought as he lay in wait at the pokecenter, hoping to hear some good news about his new pokemon.

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