The Greatest

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Snorlax stood defiantly in front of the agitated Tauros, challenging it with louder roars. The bull brandished its horns while pounding the ground, readying to charge again. Meanwhile, someone had run to Professor Oak's office to alert him.

Snorlax turned to its trainer and grunted. As Red stood paralyzed with fear, he realized that there's a massive difference between what is seen on television and in textbooks. Some Pokemon are dangerous. This is real life.

"Sn-Snorlax? You want my orders?"

Snorlax nodded, with a trusting look in its eyes. Red realized why his Snorlax had obeyed him so well. It was because he had taken such good care of him that his Pokemon not only respected him but was also loyal enough to protect him.

Red never had so much power in all of his life. This would be his chance to use it. This battle would become one of the greatest Red ever had.

"Snorlax! Let's do this! Amnesia!"

Snorlax breathed deeply as its special increased. Tauros charged straight at them, horns pointed downwards.

It's going for a body slam! Let's meet him halfway.

"Aim head-on for his head! Use THUNDERBOLT!"

A blast of electricity erupted from Snorlax, shot in a straight line towards Tauros.

The quick pokemon swerved out of the way mid-run and continued straight into Snorlax, sending him flying out of the way.

With the Snorlax gone, the Tauros turned to face Red. The two of them stared each other down, the pokemon facing the terrified trainer. Red saw a calm look in its eyes as if taunting him to call the next move. Nothing came to mind as the wild and erratic pokemon snorted at his face, the jewel on its head shining in his face. Its lips curled at the edge, almost as if it smiled at him.

What can I call that it won't dodge? It's too quick.

Yet some moves are quicker...


Suddenly, the Tauros was knocked aside by a blast of cold energy, sending it flying away. Snorlax got up slowly as if it had taken a critical hit.

The Tauros got up again and roared back at the pokemon and trainer, angrier than before.

Then a beam of white light started generating from its mouth.

Hyper beam...

OH NO...

Snorlax breathed heavily as it got up, only to be knocked down again by a massive beam of hyper energy. It fell head over heels away down a hill, away from the battlefield, Red screaming for it as he rushed to Snorlax's aid.

The massive pokemon could barely lift its head. Yet there was still some hope.

"You got this, Snorlax! REST!"

Immediately the pokemon fell into a deep and refreshing slumber. Tauros chased them down across the field, to the amazement of the other trainers nearby.

The battle wasn't over yet. Tauros wasn't finished with them. More energy formed at its lips, barely reaching the same capacity as before.

It still needed to recharge.

"Snorlax, get up! Tauros is charging at you! GET UP!"

Snorlax kept snoring away as the bull charged down the hill.


Snorlax slept.

Tauros charged.

Red screamed at his pokemon. Sheer terror erupted from his lips.


The massive bull gained more speed as the momentum from the hill boosted his gallop. Red took cover behind Snorlax's sleeping head...

Or so he thought he was sleeping.

Tauros lunged at the Pokemon's head, ready to give the final blow.

Red looked away.

Trainers stood in shock.

Professor Oak rushed out to chaos- to see his own Tauros pounce on a Snorlax-

before being hit square in the face with an ice beam!

The trainers gasped as Tauros flew aside, half-frozen by the attack.

Red didn't realize what happened until he saw his Snorlax stand above him, guarding him against the massive bull. The two pokemon roared at each other.

"Snorlax! Let's end this! THUNDERBOLT!"

A frozen Tauros is no match for a thunderbolt to the face. It tumbled backward and landed on its back, with its feet pointed upwards and dizzying circles around its eyes.

He did it. Somehow, he did it. He had no idea how he accomplished this feat so quickly, but he did it. As Delia ran up to hug him around the neck, with Ray not too far behind, his head kept spinning, as if this had all been one crazy dream. Yet it did, and Professor Oak had brought two pokeballs with him in each hand.

"Tauros, return!" was all it took to reduce the massive bull into a ball of red energy and back into a metallic ball. The second one he gave to Red.

"My dear boy, you've not only been the only trainer to beat my Tauros but the youngest to ever receive a second pokemon! Congratulations! This little one is for you."

Red's hands remained cupped as he felt the cold pokeball touch the corners of his fingers.

"Well, Red," Delia perked up behind him, "aren't you going to open it up to find out?"

"Yeah, Red," nodded Ray, "I'm kind of curious to see."

So with everyone watching, he called the pokemon out. As the energy formed, he didn't make any expectations. He learned not to do that before.

All he wanted was a starter, and he got one. A bulb-wearing, multi-colored, red-eyed starter.

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