The Dojo

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The sunlight trickled through the cracks in the dirty skylights. The air smelled of dried sweat and old sneakers. From atop the throne of the dojo, Kiyo sat between two pedestals displaying the champion fighting pokemon.

Below him, other pokemon trainers practiced with their other competitors. Muscular men and women training with bigger pokemon; Machokes and Machamps, Mankeys and Primeapes. The sounds of punching bags pulling chains, of punches, slams onto the red mats, and kicks, as well as the occasional shaking of the ground, filled Kiyo's ears with joy.

The doors to the dojo creaked open, pushed by a boy's curious head.

"Anyone here?"

Everyone in the room, towering over the young boy, looked towards each other and resumed their training.

"I guess there are. You weren't here an hour ago."

The dojo leader patiently stood up as Ray respectfully took off his worn-out shoes.

"We went out for lunch. What can I do for you?"

The sunlight bounced around his brown hair before the door slammed shut behind him.

"Well, my name's Ray. I hear you have excellent fighting pokemon here, and that I could win one in a battle."

The other trainers looked towards the little boy again. Some resumed training, some laughed, the rest eyed the boy down as he approached the dojo.

"Yes, we do. Would you like to challenge one of my trainers?"

Ray gulped as he stared at the towering men and women in front of him. Even after being on the road for so long, he couldn't even imagine being as strong as them. Maybe if he did more pushups...

"Well, which one would you like to challenge?" The leader chuckled.

He stood across from Kiyo, his bare feet shuffling on the red mat. The other trainers surrounded him, begging for him to pick them. Yet he knew exactly who to challenge.

"I challenge you, Sir, for one of those fighting pokemon."

The other trainers murmured amongst each other as the Dojo Master walked down to the red mat.

"Of course I accept. There's just one challenge, Ray. You may only use physical moves in my gym. No elemental moves. That means no ground, fire, electric, water, grass, ice, or rock moves unless they are physical in nature, such as a punch, a kick, or a throw. You understand?"


Everyone was taken aback.


Ray stood there with his hand on his chin.

"In that case, I need to train my pokemon for that. I was expecting to use the arena outside..."

"That's for the football team next door. Not every big field is used for battles, boy."

The other trainers roared with laughter as Ray turned to leave. His ears and the freckles under his eyes glowed red with shame. He got as far as the door before changing his mind.

"NO! I understand. Deal me in. I will fight you, and I will beat you, Sir. Get your pokemon ready."

"Great, son. But you can't just challenge me. Hideki, show this boy what you've got."

Ray sprinted back to the battle mat and threw out his pokeball before Anthony had a chance to step forward.

Wartortle growled at his new opponent as Hideki unleashed his own Machop.

Pokemon: Kanto EliteМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя