Red's First Battle

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Blue stormed up the hill in a confident stride, his hat tilted sideways and brushed an air of arrogance Red learned to hate immediately. He strut up to Red's face, eyes flicking up and down.

"Gramps, why do you even bother with these smuts? They never amount to anything anyway."

These SMUTS?!

Red didn't care that Blue was older than him. He didn't care that he threw wild punches at him, without any thought or strategy. He just wanted him to-


"Hah. No. Get off of me you smelly twerp!"

He pushed the younger boy down, sending him head over heels down the hill into a humiliating heap on the ground. All he heard was the older boy laughing condescendingly on the top.

Tears wet his face as he gathered himself up and charged again, only to be stopped by a strong grip.

"Red, m'boy! Stop this nonsense!"

Professor Blaine rushed in to stop the fighting, while Oak stood away from the fight, his hands forcefully in his pockets.

He faced this as long as he could remember but that word, "smut", triggered an animalistic response unlike anything he could ever do. Sobs leaked out of his mouth as Blaine crouched down to his level.

"You think this is the proper way to fight?! Get up and teach him a lesson. Use the Snorlax you've been training. Show him what it's like to face Red Tajiri!"

He looked up again and let the words resonate within him. If he was going to fight, he would do it his way. He calmly walked up to Blue and challenged him to a match.

"You're challenging ME?! Hah! Yeah right! I dare you to try and face me."

Red let his pokemon do the rest of the talking. Snorlax burst out of the Pokeball in a sleeping heap.

Blue laughed as he let loose his own single pokemon, a yellow and brown hedgehog with enormous spines and a sharp snout- a sandslash.

Blaine and Oak sat on the sideline as the two combatants faced each other. In these smaller battles, there are no referees. Someone just needs to announce the battle beginning and ending. Red did the honors.

"Let's get this battle started."

Snorlax slept on. Sandslash tensed in anticipation of commands.

"FURY SWIPES ATTACK!" Blue pointed straight at the white and green heap across the battlefield.

"SNORLAX! Stay down."

It must be a high level Sandslash. I guess it pays to know the headmaster. You get one of the higher leveled rejects.

True to his trainer's command, the massive pokemon stayed put. Sandslash rushed closer to it.


Sandslash's claws reached in front as its feet kicked up dirt, quickly gaining speed.

Professor Oak rubbed his chin with confusion, but Professor Blaine crossed his arms in a relaxed pose.

"HOLD IT." Snorlax calmly relaxed as the spiny pokemon lunged forward, claws slicing ahead.


Snorlax opened its eyes and whipped its hands in front of its face, meeting Sandslash's claws head on and tossing the smaller pokemon to the side.

"Now, show them how big you really are."

Snorlax obliged as it happily rose up to its full height. Sandslash was immediately dwarfed by the massive pokemon. Even Blue gulped a little before composing himself.

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