Unexpected Hero

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The crowd erupted into screams of sheer terror as the beast roared menacingly. All Red could do was stare at its sheer size. He had never seen a pokemon this big before and never this close. He was too small to be noticed as the massive sea monster took in its surroundings.

Then he saw his Mother burst through the thrings and grab him by the shirt, lurching him away from the Monster.


Amidst the screams and the forceful tugging on his sleeve.He turned back towards the beast. Its angry eyes seemed somewhat calmer now, as most of the ruckus was moving away from it. The the Police came.


He heard pokeballs crack behind him, as different roars and battle cries filled the huge plaza as it became a massive battlefield.

"Vaporeon, ICE BEAM!"


The two farthest away from them moved forward with their attacks, lightning flashing behind them.

Red and his Mother were some of the last on their way out, while a Venusaur and Chancey attacked from the other side.

Meanwhile, they had shut the doors remotely, unable to let the rest out. All the rest of the shoppers could do was hide behind a barricade. Only Red peeked out to see what was happening. He never saw a battle this close.

But the Gyarados was too powerful, and their attacks weren't doing the damage they expected. The thundershock rolled off, it broke out of the ice beam, dodged the Venasaur's solar beam and deflected Chancy's hyper beam. Then it got mad and let loose.

A massive ball of white and green energy flowed from his belly to its mouth. The policemen didn't know whether to command them to brace for impact or dodge it.

Red had seen enough battles to know what that was. And as he ducked, he knew what damage it could do.

The Gyarados let loose one of its most powerful attacks on the whole plaza. The dragon rage sliced through the stores and ground like they were made of sand. It swung up and shattered the glass and knocked out Chancy and its trainer, the one nearest the people. As it recharged, Red peeked it out and saw the damage. The dodging took a toll on all of the pokemon there, while the plaza was almost completely destroyed.

A gyarados like that must be a high enough level, so direct attacks won't do any good. The only way was for them to make it slower in status. He looked around the area for something other than a policeman's pokemon to use as a weapon. Then he saw a pokemon store across the way.

"Mom, I have an idea."

"Red, I have another one. We stay here."

"But Mom, we have to-"

"No. I forbid you from doing anything to help. They can take care of themselves."

Meanwhile the Gyarados froze the Magnaton and knocked out Venusaur.

As he watched the others losing, Red got an idea. He turned to the rest of the crowd, crouched behind the long and narrow barricade. He knew policemen had no other Pokemon, and they were seriously outgunned. But what about the strangers behind him?

"Does anyone here have a-"

Mom tugged his sleeve down to where she crouched.

"Red! Stop interfering!"

He shook her grip off and asked again-

"Does anyone here have any Pokemon? Raise your hand, then."

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