Delia's Turn

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"Let's do this, Ivysaur! Send it a growl."

The scaly beast replied with a roar that shook the special out of Bellsprout.

"Don't take that sitting down, Bella!"

The flower pokemon looked back at her familiar nickname, then turned to rush at Ivysaur, it's mouth filled with poison.

"Get away and lash it, Ivysaur!"

It easily jumped out of the way, leaving Bellsprout open to being lashed with vine whips. Delia muttered under her breath.

"Get in close and seed it!"

Ivysaur whipped Bellsprout around, all while walking closer to the tiny pokemon. A grin grew on Red's face. This was going to be easy!

As Ivysaur leeched Bellsprout with seeds, Red called for the final blow.

"Body Slam, Ivysaur!"

The pokemon gleefully charged at it's ensnared target, not even noticing Delia's grin.

"Stun spore!!"

A puff of yellow smoke billowed at Ivysaur's face. Once it inhaled the gas, it stood in one spot, paralyzed.

Red's wide eyes stood transfixed on the tiny Bellsprout, now easily climbing out of the vines.

"POISONPOWDER that massive flower, Bella!"

Bellsprout happily obliged, spraying the other pokemon with a purple gas that ate away at its health.

"Now, VINE WHIP!!"

Vines sprang from its arms and legs and whipped Ivysaur's paralyzed body.

It didn't take long for the poison and the vines to finish Ivysaur off. Once the Stun Spores wore off, Ivysaur slumped forward in defeat.

"I don't believe it," Ray whispered as Delia called for the referee to make the final call. After testing the Pokemon's strength, he called Delia the winner.

"Ivysaur is unable to battle, Bellsprout wins, which means Delia is the winner."

Red slumped backward, his legs giving way as he planted himself onto the ground. He lost again, this time because he wasn't thinking straight.

Delia strutted over to him and extended a hand to pull him back up.

"You can't let your guard down like that," she said as he grabbed for her hand.

"I know. I guess I got carried away-"

"DELIA!" Ray stood in place, his eyes fixed on a glowing orb where Bellsprout stood.


"It's evolving?!"

They felt the energy flow through the trees towards the little orb of light. Its head grew to cover its whole body, the vines that once were its arms turned into leaves. Bella's legs disappeared as two massive eyes opened. The glowing light dissipated, revealing the massive bell body of a-

"A WEEPINBELL!" Red exclaimed.

For completely different reasons, Ray and Delia both screamed: "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!"

Delia ran towards her Bella, hugging its body as the Pokemon squealed with delight.

"Two pokemon evolve in one day?! Unbelievable!"

Delia snickered at Ray, pulling her head away to make a snide remark.

"Well, Raymond, if you won a match, maybe you'd have a Wartortle by now!"

Ray seemed to take that personally as he stomped to the other side of the battlefield.

"That's it! Delia, I challenge you!"

"I was expecting that. Can I at least have some time to observe my newest Bella?"

Bella squealed again as Ray stomped on the ground.

"No! We're battling! Your Charmander, my Pikachu! Let's go! Red! Get ready to officiate."

Red shrugged his shoulders and stepped between the two combatants as Delia called back Bella.

Pikachu popped out of the pokeball.

"Let's show her what we got, Sparky."

Delia chuckled. "Did you just name it Sparky?"

"No," Ray shook his head violently, "It's always been called that."

"Whatever," Delia said as she turned to Red.

He didn't even ask them. They looked ready.

"Let the Battle begin!!!"

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