Red's Primer

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The room was surrounded in pale white, with a texture that felt like the walls were crumbling apart. His bed was a simple wire frame, with a small mattress next to a metal cabinet. It was simple enough for Red to get used to, yet his mind was still focused on the little red box mechanically spewing out rules.

"...Leaving the grounds is forbidden, even to chase down a pokemon. All permissions to leave are issued by the front desk only. Any more permissions to leave will be issued by Professor Oak... "

He didn't even bother to set himself up. He  hastily put all of his bags on the cot and rushed back to the main desk. A booklet was waiting for him, weighed down by a small blue pen.

"Take this test in the first classroom on the left."

The woman was so engrossed in her work that she didn't even look up to see him; she just knew he was there in her peripheral vision.

"When you're done, use the top of the pen and face it to the answer bank. It will scan your answers and feed us the results. Then you will get your primer based on the results. Good luck."

He stared at the booklet, emblazoned with the green insignia above a pokeball. This was it; the one thing separating him from his first pokemon. He didn't even care that the classroom was even more boring than the ones he had back home. He was going to make the best impression he could. That meant acing this test.

The rules were simple. Keep looking down at the test, no talking out loud and no other means of cheating allowed. It was a performance test, where it was okay to get things wrong. But not for Red.

After turning the booklet over and removing the scantron-like answer bank, he began.

The whole test was multiple choice.

The first part was matching the pokemon with its type. Piece of cake.

Next was matching the type to its weakness. Easy peasy.

Then choosing the correct order of  pokemon's sizes from biggest to smallest. Then which potion heals which ailment. Then which pokemon can learn which HM moves.

Finally,  it asked which method was utilized to train a pokemon to avoid physical ailments like paralysis and sleep. He had no idea, yet he needed to find the best answer he could find. He felt a drop of sweat pass down his brow as he chose the best sounding answer.

To his amazement, when he pressed the button on the side of the pen, the top began to glow like a red police light. After locking onto the bar code scan on the top of the card, it prompted Red to scan the entire card, after which it told Red to return it to the main desk before shutting off.

As he put down the papers on the desk, he noticed another man by the desk, resting one hand on the desk and a cane in the other.

"Pardon me," He said through his rounded sunglasses. "You must be Satoshi."

Amidst all of the excitement, Red was hesitant to shake the man's outstretched hand. Yet as he did, the old man's grip was firm and strong, contrary to his weaker appearance. He looked to be the Professor's age, but with more obvious signs of aging.

"My name is Professor Blaine, of volcanic studies here on campus. I'm also the battlefield guide for new recruits. And yes, your primer will be waiting for you when we get back."

As the two of them left through an ornate glass door on the other side of the lobby, Red was welcomed by the afternoon sun and shouts of attack calls to pokemon.

"Keep dodging those swipes, Raticate!"

"Hit 'em again with your flamethrower, growlithe!"

"Pidgey, wing attack!"

It sounded like a song he couldn't help but keep on repeat. Red loved the sound of battles, the pure energy that emanated from both competitors, the sparks between combatants. He was glad that he made it to this place so soon.

Yet as he stared in awe as the two of them walked through the battle-worn pastures, Professor Blaine had been reciting the rules:

" You can only battle in specific zones. That way you don't have to be challenged by older, more experienced trainers. If you are challenged by a more experienced trainer, and your pokemon is healthy, you cannot back out of a battle. Taking the challenge with an unhealthy pokemon would not only put your pokemon at risk of permanent damage, but you risk your stay here as well...

"But don't worry. If a trainer fights a certain amount of battles without any experience level gains- and we know how many due to the numerous battle kiosks scattered around the premises-, they will be suspected of cheating and misusing the pokemon academy grounds and be temporarily suspended while under investigation.

"To graduate this school requires their students to be a black level. To do so requires you to escalate from white to gray to black. A trainer must beat two directly above level trainers in the same battle ground one after the other- then that trainer will report to a battle kiosk for a new notch and the chance to recieve another pokemon. Once grey level is reached, the trainer gains another pokemon, this one a rare starter. Understand, Satoshi?"

The boy's attention was grabbed, but the first thing he could say was: "Red"

"I beg your pardon?"

"Red, Professor. That's my real name."

"Real name, huh? Then why is it Satoshi on the documents?"

"It's my legal name. But Red is the name I will be called when I reach the red level."

"Oh, so you do know most of the basics of trainerhood."

"I've loved it all my life Professor. Ever since I saw my first fight."

"Oh, I see. Which one was that?"

"Trevor Owens vs. Lance. Five years ago."

"Ahh, I remember that one well. I had the privilege of seeing it live."

"You were there?!? Oh, I can only imagine what that must have been like to be there!"

"I know. It's battles like those- and like the ones you see here- that keep my passion flowing..."

Red hadn't noticed that they were on their way back until he saw the glass doors again, glinting the sunlight into his eyes. He wished he had the Professor's sunglasses.

The secretary greeted them as they walked in and brought out a sphere from the lower desk. It was shining the colors of red and white, with an off-white lid that kept the energy inside that would become Red's first pokemon.

"The pokemon just arrived. It hasn't been waiting long. I hope it fits you well."

"Thank you Miss! See you later professor, and thank you."

The man held him from the back of the collar.

"Not so fast young man. I want to see the moment when a boy like you sees his own first pokemon."

Red gazed at the ball with the utmost of joys. This was it. The beginning of his career as a trainer. The most coveted position one could get in the world. This was his start to becoming the best.

He tried his best not to imagine what was in there, but he couldn't help himself. Maybe a small pokemon he would raise to become a giant. A bird that he would teach to fly. Or a tiny one that would take down giants and leave audiences with gaping jaws and trainers in the dust.

So as the sun was nearing the horizon, with battles going on in front of him, one of his new teachers by his side, he screamed the magic words to the heavens:


And launched the ball in a high arc. The ball's internal circuitry sensed the change in outer velocity and opened on command. It burst open in a white cascade down to earth as it folded in on itself more and more.

Then grew.

        And grew.

                And grew until...

It was a huge blob of sleeping monster that didn't even notice it left the ball. A snorlax.

He tried to stay positive, but he couldn't help but drop his head while his left eye twitched involuntarily.

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