Battle Highlights

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"So, you're Delia from Cerulean, huh?"

"Yeah. And you're Flint, from Pewter."

The two of them walked to the nearest open arena, as per instructions from a competition manager. Around them, explosions and fired beams caused a ruckus in the middle of their conversation. They had both heard plenty of those in their lives.

Between battles, she changed into her favorite battling outfit- a teal fleece vest over an orange t-shirt and green cargo shorts matching yellow sneakers. A bright pink belt held her pokeballs while her dark red knapsack sat on one shoulder.

While she should have been reviewing strategy, she got distracted by his beefy arms jutting out of a beige shirt, his face covered by long locks of beautiful brown hair...

"So, Delia, which type do you specialize in?"

Delia took aback by that question.

"I don't understand..."

"Only the best trainers specialize in only one type of pokemon. I have chosen the resilient power of rock types. What about you, Delia from Cerulean?"

"Um...I specialize... in the most powerful pokemon I can get my hands on. I don't really look for specific power, just for the best in each group. I don't settle for one."

Her strut got looser after discovering that answer.

"That sounds exhausting, no?"

She still couldn't get enough of his beefy arms...

"Nono, notat all... It's easy quite- quite easy, actually."

She coughed, in an attempt to make up for that blunder. He didn't seem to care.

The referee met them halfway and brought them to the field.

"Well, I wish you the best of luck and skill, Delia Arvaniti."

He offered his hand, and as they shook she felt his grip overpower hers. As they let go, she had to shake away the cold sweat dribbling down her face.

Her opponent stood at the far end of the platform as a sentient rock appeared and slapped the ground with its four arms.

Before she sent out her Starmie, she asked it to squirt some water on her face. She didn't even care that her shirt got dirty- her vest was water-proof anyway, which didn't say much for her opponent.

"Graveler vs. Starmie. Trainers ready?"

They both nodded. Delia shook her head to focus.


Red held his hat between clenched fingers as his beloved Poliwhirl slipped through a forest of vines. In the middle of it, the frog discovered a massive pitcher plant, with a mouth dripping with poison.

"Toxic, Victreebel!"

A splash of toxin rushed towards Poliwhirl.

"Water gun to slip away!"

Instantly, Poliwhirl used a water gun to slip away. The burst of speed sent it running up the walls of vines, away from Vicreebel's grasp.


A stream of bubbles slammed into the flycatcher pokemon, sending it stumbling backward.

"Poison powder!"

Poliwhirl's momentum ended when it stumbled to the ground covered in stinging poison gas.

"Razor leaf!"

To Red's dismay, his pokemon flew backward with a barrage of leaves aimed straight at its swirling stomach.

"Don't give up, Poliwhirl! Hypnosis!"

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