Route 5

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The city looked more intimidating than before. At least when he left he still had a good name.

Battling didn't help. Everyone saw his Snorlax overpower other pokemon. Everyone saw how easy it looked for him. They saw a little kid take down even the toughest trainers on the routes and what did they tell others? He was a cheater. He paid off Oak to give him the most powerful pokemon. The boy was a sleeper agent for Team Evo. He's ruining the game before it even began.

They didn't see the routine he learned from Ray. Early mornings and late nights. While the others are sleeping, his pokemon have already learned new moves, trusting themselves and their trainer. Late nights were spent around a campfire started by Ponyta in the middle of the forest, Snorlax sleeping nearby with a full belly, Ivysaur staring into the ambient, flickering light, Poliwhirl ready to extinguish it, Nidorino guarding with an eye open, and Jolteon glowing as a nightlight for its trainer.

All of his pokemon learned from Snorlax to honor their trainer. It had seen a bad trainer before, letting machines teach it masterful moves in an instant, compared to the weeks Red took to give to his pokemon. Snorlax gained respect for him the moment he learned moves on its own, without needing outside help.

Sometimes he kept Jolteon next to him on lonely walks through the forest and on empty paths, the Electric pokemon loyally guarding his powerful owner. It had been an Eevee when caught, and Nidorino hadn't been found in Safari Zone yet. When it exited its pokeball for the first time, all it remembered was getting hugged by a little boy, surrounded by love. It never got that before. At that moment, the pokemon swore to protect him with its life. Red realized this, so Jolteon became his protector, a watchdog with 10,000 volts surging through its body.

As he looked through the bikes in Cerulean Bikes, he realized with all of the metal it would be a Tauros in a China Shop.

Even the jingle on the bike store taunted him as he exited. A million per bike?! What were they made of, diamonds or something?!

At least shoes were affordable, he thought as he walked out of the shoe store nearby. He could have afforded those speedy ones, but he decided not to show off too much.

No one looked down at him, but their eyes sure did. He felt people scanning him for signs of shame and robbery. No one could help but feel shame for crimes they never committed. Even as he reached the city he felt the ice-cold stare of failed trainers, their parents, and former students of the academy who learned of their newest "graduate".

"So long Cerulean City," He said, turning South on Route 5 to Saffron City. "You won't be entirely missed."

He barely made it out of the buildings' shadows before some trainers past by him and began to murmur.

Jolteon jumped out in alarm as Red felt them turning around.

"Well, well, well, fellas, what have we here? A cheater and his gang of thieves!"

The crowd of trainers stood tall over him, their shadows repelled by Jolteon's electricity.

"All alone, with no one to save you! Giovanni must be right about you! He called to the league to hunt you down and bring you back with your little tail between your legs-"

Jolteon's snarl sent out sparks from its teeth. Red felt the static rise up his pants as Jolteon stood close by.

"Anyway, let's get to the bottom of this. Let's take you down the easy way."

All three boys throw out their best; A Dragonair, a Golem, and Tentacruel.

"One against three! Let's see you try to take us all down!"

Red kept Jolteon by his side. His hand shook as he reached for the one pokemon capable of taking them all on, without any problems.

Ivysaur could tell it was outnumbered. Every pokemon looked taller than it had ever seen before. Red didn't look too scared, it thought. Pokemon and Master nodded, going over the perfect strategy in their heads.


All three pokemon lunged forward, teeth bared and eyes glaring.

Ivysaur whipped its vines out and swatted Dragonair and Tentacruel. It slid out of the way from Golem while gathering sunlight. The plant pokemon launched a barrage of razor-sharp leaves towards the rock pokemon. With the massive ball of rock out of the picture, Dragonair unleashed a hyper beam towards Ivysaur.

"You know what to do, buddy."

From its bulb, a solar beam blew Tentacruel towards its trainer and matched the hyper beam. All three trainers stared in awe at the spectacle, but Red was ready for one last move.

Surprisingly, they didn't try his "beam distraction" technique. Instead, Dragonair weakened first and received a full-on blast to the face. All three pokemon got blown away within minutes.

"To be honest," Red remarked, "I didn't just get better. You all got worse. Tell the dingus to meet me at the Pokemon Competition in three months. I intend to win it without my Snorlax, just to prove a point. To prove to you all that I'm the greatest pokemon trainer in Kanto."

All three trainers handed him his earnings and walked away without another sound. He turned back to his Ivysaur and nodded in approval. Jolteon watched him gather in his wonderful champion and sit on the ground beneath the canopy of trees.

"They're only going to tell him that I plan on winning the competition. Nothing about not having Snorlax. That won't help my case."

He got up again and continued down Route 5.

"We have three short months, Jolteon. We need to get ready."

What do you think? I personally love Red's arc so far. Let me know your thoughts in a review! I hope to write more about him soon.

Anyways, Delia's part is coming up, as well as a short snippet of someone else afterward! Your comments mean a lot to me so keep them coming.

Tell you more stories soon!

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