A Stranger's House, Part 1

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The little boy in blue jeans and new sneakers stood up, only to be knocked off his feet by two long-lost friends. Ponyta jumped out of the way as the three of them landed in the fountain, sending water flying in all directions.

Instinctively they stood up in the fountain, their knees covered in water. Then, without a care in the world, they all shared one big embrace.

"Well, that's one way to wash a shirt," Delia snorted, and they laughed as they stepped out of the fountain. Ponyta offered a warm spot to dry their clothes while wearing them. Delia could barely keep her hands off of Red.

"I'm so glad to see you, Satoshi. You look so much bigger now."

He put his cap on Ponyta's head, who gladly dried it so fast that steam still came off as he slipped it back on.

"Yeah. It's felt like a forever since the Academy."

"I hear you're the talk of the world now, too."

He turned to Ray, who leaned against his Ponyta with a smug smile. "I'm impressed."

"It's all because of Giovanni, you know," Red began. He even started to enjoy Delia's warm embraces.

"When I battled him, I used Snorlax."

"With the underdog secrets?"


"Oh, big mistake."


"Wait, I'm confused. Ray, what are the underdog moves?"

As Delia slowly let Red go, Ray gave him a nod.

"Reddy boy here discovered that some reject pokemon still knew old moves from their past trainers. Aside from the basics told to the trainers, they possibly could have known hundreds of moves from their previous trainers. His Snorlax fit the bill, and it knew over 30, including Hyper Beam, Ice Beam, and Earthquake."

Delia stared at Ray.

"So Red picked four of the most destructive moves possible against Giovanni's ground types and automatically had a typing advantage?"

"Yeah. And Giovanni didn't take too well to that," Red continued. "He called me a cheater and went ballistic on me before I finished him with my Ivysaur."

"Wait. Red, you're the one they're calling The Cheater?!"

He didn't feel so proud of the name at that moment. He had worn it like a badge of honor, yet hearing her say it like that made it hurt as bad as when he visited home, and his Mom had said the same thing.

"What?! That's so insensitive of them! You're not a cheater at all! I've seen you take out Blue's Gyarados with your Ivysaur and Oak's Tauros with Snorlax!"

It only got to him at that moment. He hugged Delia tightly and let a sob come out. Just one, then he rubbed his eyes dry.

He's still a little kid, Ray thought, as he and Delia shared a look. He's so strong, yet he's still a kid.

"I can't even imagine what it's been like for the past few months."

"You have no idea," Red sighed, "Especially when people only believe Giovanni. He's the League's poster child- the perfect prodigy to take over the Pokemon League from the Professors'. They even made Blue a Chosen One of sorts."

"I heard that part too," Delia lamented. "This world makes no sense. He's a bigger cheater than us."

Red jerked up to Delia.

"I mean, you."

"Anyways," Ray continued, "we need to work on our strategy on getting into the qualifier. Everyone is going to be there."

"Only those who make it to Cinnabar Island at high tide," Red remarked.

"Dozens of trainers will have to reach the island and battle each other to qualify. Mind you; there will be hundreds in attendance to watch us all, so that will be new."

"You two don't seem nervous," Delia observed.

"Are you?" Both boys looked at the redhead, whose hair almost completely dried by this point.

She shrugged. "I dunno. I guess I shouldn't be."

"Yeah," Red replied. "We've been battling for months now, training our pokemon to be the best. Now, the best and brightest already got invited, so all we need to do is beat a bunch of punks who wouldn't know what to do with a thunderstone if it landed near an Eevee."

"Okay," Ray nodded. "But when should we get there?"

"We leave early morning. Earlier than usual. They'll disqualify anyone who arrives there before tomorrow at 6 a.m. So we leave while the tides are low and take our fastest water Pokemon there, arriving at the port and waiting by the docks.

"But what if we arrive late and there's a crowd already?" Delia declined further back on Ponyta, enjoying the equivalent of a leaning hot bath while getting dry.

"We battle everyone," Ray answered. "Try to get to different brackets to avoid having to disqualify each other."

"Right, and remember to bring the best pokemon you have. I've been there when I had a Fearow. But, unfortunately, there's no Pokecenter connection there yet."

"You had a Fearow? Since when?"

"You don't have a few extra pokemon at the ready aside from your mains?"

The other two shuffled their feet.

"C'mon, guys. I'm a kid, and I know this. I have a Butterfree, Fearow, and Sandslash always ready. I wish I could get a Pokemon Center on the go..."

"Whatever," Ray waved it off. "What do we do until 5 a.m.?"

"Well," Delia confidently informed, "We should get some rest for tomorrow. I know the perfect place."

Ponyta and Dodrio walked behind them as the trio made their way through Pallet town. They heard the commotion from the other side of the city's border with the ocean. As they looked over the cliffside, they noticed dozens of trainers in tents as a massive bonfire in the middle kept everyone warm.

"No one went into one of the houses here. For a small fee, we could sleep here, get some food to go, and be out by morning."

Delia seemed almost too sure, the two boys thought, as she approached a stranger's house confidently.

After a couple of knocks, an older woman came to the door.

"Yes? Oh, Delia! What a surprise! No one's here, so come on in! You and your friends!"

The three of them, smelling like the fountain water, eagerly walked in. Her house took advantage of the wooden walls by adding warm red rugs and orange curtains, gold picture frames, and a brass chandelier.

"So these are the friends you were talking about, Delia?"

The two women greeted each other with kisses to the cheeks.

"Yes, Ma'am. This is Satoshi Tajiri, and this is Ray."

The old lady turned to look at them. She looked like she aged gracefully. Each wrinkle looked to be a badge of honor, her gray and white hair tied into a neat bow, and her dress clean and pressed.

"So you're the two boys who helped her on her way. I'm so thankful to you boys for helping my granddaughter!"

The two boys shared wide-eyed glances.


"Yes, she is my granddaughter, and you all look like you need to rest for tomorrow. There's a shed outside if you want to let your pokemon sleep outside for once."

"Actually, pokemon are always given plenty of room since their energy takes up so little space in the ball-"

Delia shot Red a look to shut him up.

"Then it's settled. You all get ready in your rooms while I prepare a little something for my little travelers. First, Delia, show them to the washing machine for their smelly clothes. Ray and Red will share one and Delia the other."

As the three of them went to their rooms, Ray swore he heard Grandma tell Delia, "He seems cute."

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