A Stranger's House, Part 3

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Disclaimer: This chapter might be small, but it's dedicated heavily to their Pokemon. Yes, all eighteen of the main Pokemon in this story are featured in this chapter, in speaking roles or in presence. 

With that comes the grammar. Pokemon don't know how to speak full sentences, nor do they have a concept of a group bigger than their masters and a few select others. 

They also all speak in the third person, except for the highly intelligent among them like Kadabra. The sentences are broken and fragmented for that reason. I just wanted to see how this chapter turns out. This is an experiment that I hope you enjoy!

The Sun took a final peek at the world before disappearing under the horizon. All eighteen pokemon, tired after a long day, huddled together in the barn. A cool breeze was buffed by the fire pokemon in the middle of the room, with the water pokemon comfortable with the leftover cold. Each of them felt relaxed, even Scyther, though Ray's pokemon didn't want to take a chance at aggravating it again.

Surprisingly, the group didn't stick to each other based on their trainer, rather by their typing. The grass and Poison types huddled together at the far end of the barn, the fire types in the middle, the electric types near the big doors, the ground types in a sinkhole on the left side,

Charmeleon perked its head to hear its master singing. As it realized what she was saying, it rolled its eyes.

Pikachu raised its ears, too. Suddenly most of their pokemon were trying to understand what was going on in there.

I wonder what Red do in there, Ivysaur growled.

Eating or command, Pikachu answered. Pikachu think Ray and people command to laugh sometimes too.

Hitmonchan can't wait to fight tomorrow. Delia told Hitmonchan that big fight happening.

Sound dumb, Scyther chittered, flanked by Pidgeot and Dugtrio away from Hitmonlee.

What makes you say that? Kadabra asked with an open eye during meditation.

Scyther mean, humans always interest, Scyther hissed. Scyther try to understand Ray yet end up in control like belonging to Ray. Fighting what Ray want. Scyther feel like pet.

Not true, Snorlax growled, its loud rumbles vibrating the barn.

Red feed, hide, teach Snorlax to fight enemies. Red help Snorlax more than Snorlax help Red.

Ivysaur and Nidorino growled in agreement.

Charmeleon think we better than them, Charmeleon snarled. Charmeleon protect Delia and show Delia to win. Without Charmeleon, Delia no win.

You no fun, chirped Wartortle before Pikachu jumped in.

No true. Pikachu help Ray, no show. Win together.

Sometimes, the bell pokemon croaked, Weepinbell fight type bad to Weepinbell, yet still win. Weepinbell no fight alone, Weepinbell fight with Delia.

Quite interesting to think about, Kadabra contemplated aloud. When I fought other pokemon as a smaller pokemon, I could barely fight for myself. Once Delia helped me become a Kadabra I became formidable to any opponent. I couldn't fight for myself, but now I could, all thanks to her.

Scyther still no get how Ray know all best moves for fights. How Ray do that?

Simple, Ponyta neighed, Red know everything. Red teach Ponyta best way of running, Ponyta does that. Never did before. Never run so fast too.

Dodrio no happy with Delia, One of the heads whined. No fun, just train.

Why whine, dummy? In came the two other bird heads, trying to knock some sense into the third head. Starmie quietly shook with glee at all the commotion.

No fun make more fun at battles. Better for us, Delia said so.

Wartortle wonder if Ray more fun than Red or Delia. Wartortle surf with Ray to get to land.

Jolteon love Red, fun to play 'catch the stick' with.

Pidgeot think Ray is fun. Take Pidgeot to playground.

Delia let Charmeleon run. Chased down Dodrio.

Dodrio' s heads snorted in protest. No, Charmeleon never catch Dodrio. Dodrio fun faster than wind.

Red let Snorlax eat. And sleep.

Ray play with Pikachu.

Dugtrio play hide and seek with Ray.

Red race Nidorino in the bush.

Delia fight Hitmonchan for fun.

Hitmonlee pointed to itself and nodded its entire body as if agreeing that it did the same with Ray.

Delia got a book of riddles and we spent a few nights trying to answer them all. That was fun, at least for me.

Red let Poliwhirl float on the ocean by itself, then Red joined along. Poliwhirl love that day.

Weepinbell and Delia climbed a tree a few times. Weepinbell love trees.

So, who's the most fun trainer? Sounds like all of us have the best trainer. I suggest we all sleep, for tomorrow is a big day. Delia told me we're in a big competition.

The other pokemon obliged. All of them curled together, separated only by typing and brought together by a love for their trainers.

The three trainers caught just a glimpse of their pokemon talking, to their absolute surprise. As they watched their beloved friends fall asleep, they took the same advice and retired.

They had so much to talk about, even after a long dinner, but they needed the sleep. They could talk when one of them used the Trophy Cup to drink the promised Lemonade they spoke about so long ago.

Hours later, the barn door would open, and the pokemon would rouse to see their three trainers refreshed, awake, alert, and ready to take on the world.

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