Red vs Giovanni

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His extra bedding and books were packed and on their way home. He left his room key at the front desk. He picked up his pokeballs and never even thought about returning them. He healed his pokemon, made one final goodbye to Nurse Jane -with her young daughters blushing behind her- and headed straight to the arena. 

He knew Ray and Delia were outside, waiting for him. Unlike them, Red waited to study his opponent. He watched his past battles, other challengers fight him and the types of pokemon and strategies he used. This time, he was ready. 

With the Underdog secret in tow and two perfect pokemon for the occasion, he confidently approached the massive doors, stepped right up to Giovanni's podium and-

"You ready to challenge me, little boy?"

Giovanni saw the black-haired, fire-eyed boy approach the front desk as he gave the lesson. The other professors warned him, yet their senile minds didn't understand.  

He remembered what they said about Ricky Forster. No one remembered him for a reason. These kids are always being propped up as the next big challenge. He didn't believe them. And this boy was going to up-end his winning streak? 

As the youngest master in the Academy, he saw how out of his mind the child was. But, a challenge was a challenge. He nonchalantly flipped a switch, turning his arena into a rocky surface. He picked his three challengers and threw out his first. He crossed his arms as his Rhyhorn did the intimidation for him. The boy didn't flinch. He too stood with crossed arms, and let the only sound come from the pokeball popping and a roaring Snorlax. Giovanni didn't know what he was capable of, but Red prepared for it.

"Trainers! Are you ready?!"

Both teacher and student nodded their heads as the referee waved his flag. The battle had begun.

"Stomp, Rhyhorn! GO!"

The massive rhinoceros charged and stomped down on Snorlax where it lay.


A blast of ice shot out of Snorlax's mouth, hitting Rhyhorn at point-blank range. The only sound in the room was the crash of the Rhyhorn, falling on its back.

"Hmmph. Beginner's luck." 

Giovanni looked away in disgust as his Rhyhorn was declared unable to battle.

"So, your pokemon knows Ice Beam, huh? When did you teach it that?"

Red relaxed a bit. 

"The pokemon already knew it when I got it."

"So you really got lucky then, Red?"

The little boy stood his ground. 

"I didn't. All pokemon given to students are rejects from other trainers. All students have the chance to learn what their pokemon is capable of."

Giovanni rolled his eyes. 

"So you taught it no moves, yet still found the luck to reach me? All you do is pick the right moves so they can win battles for you?"

A Nidorino flew out of its pokeball as Red thought of an answer.

"Before you answer me, little boy," Giovanni began, his hands firmly entwined with each other.

"Why do people think you're so special if all you ever were was the receiver of an over-powered pokemon from the start? If I began with your Snorlax, would I be as good as you? Could anyone go far with a Snorlax that knew Ice Beam or whatever moves they needed to succeed?"

Giovanni leaned forward, a sneer gripping the side of his face, dark brown eyes staring right into his soul.

"Because, if that's all correct, then you don't deserve to leave."

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