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I'm anxiously waiting for Cassandra to say something, anything that will give me an inkling as to why she suddenly has a change of heart regarding her Mistress Rosemont.

Unlike Aurora, Nikolina, Amelia and Cassandra have always praised Mistress Rosemont. They see her as some kind of a savior so I'm taken aback by the fact that Cassandra is starting to doubt the woman who was practically their creator.

"Cassandra....." I start but she quickly cuts me off.

"It's Sarrtina!" She says quickly, rushing the words out.

"What?" I really don't understand and it's not exactly easy to read another nonhuman's mind.

"Do you remember the story I told, the one about my mate?" She asks and I nod. "Well, the reason why Mistress was so against the idea was because it was Sarrtina."

"You and Sarrtina?" Well, I have always suspected that Cassandra might be a little different from her sisters. I have seen the way she looks at Ronnie so its not really shocking that she would have those kinds of feelings for another girl. What is shocking however, is that she could ever feel anything for Sarrtina.

Don't get me wrong, Sarrtina is beautiful, she was an angel after all but she's evil and manipulative, completely worlds apart from sweet and caring Cassandra.

"She wasn't always like that." Cassandra says, clearly reading my mind. "I know it's hard to believe but once upon a time Sarrtina was kind and loving. She was playful, especially with me. She used to say I was her favorite and that she would die for me and quite frankly I felt the same way."

I can't believe what I'm hearing, that demon was inlove with Cassandra? I just can't picture it, she looks so cold, like she can't have any emotions. "What happened to her?" I ask.

"She committed one of the greatest sins." Cassandra sounds regretful, sad even. "She went against our Mistress."

"I don't understand."

She sighs heavily before proceeding with her story. "Remember when I told you about how angels had to have mates?" She doesn't wait for my answer. "Well, Sarrtina and I thought we could be each other's mates. We were going to ask for Mistress Rosemont's blessing and live happily ever after." I can hear the hint of sadness in her voice.

"She said no." I say, putting the pieces together. "She wouldn't give you her blessing."

Cassandra laughs a little but it's not from any sort of amusement. "If only she had said no. Not only did she refuse to give us her blessing but she called our relationship an abomination, a sin against God. She told us to go and pray about it." She's on the verge of the tears now.

"Oh Cassandra I'm so sorry."

"We were both hurt but I decided to take Mistress's advice and forget about the relationship. After all she was our mother and she knew best. But Sarrtina didn't feel the same way. She didn't believe there was anything wrong with our relationship." She wipes away her tears. "Eventually she fell prey to Soliaire, he promised her the life Mistress Rosemont couldn't give her thus selling her soul to him. She begged me to come with her, to become a demon so we could be together but I couldn't do it. I could never abandon my sisters and go against my mistress so I made my choice and it wasn't Sarrtina, my first love."

I don't know what to say, on one hand I feel really bad for Cassandra but I just can't figure out Sarrtina. It's hard to sympathize with the girl who tried to kill me, twice!

"But you did the right thing, you didn't sell your soul to Soliaire."

"Did I really make the right choice?" She cries out. "I have never thought of this but what if Aurora is right? Did I sacrifice the one love of my life for a woman who turned us into servants and used the word of God to make us believe she was some kind of a savior sent to protect us?" Her tears break my heart, she looks so broken and it's not something I'm used to seeing. I never thought Cassandra's love story could more tragic than the love triangle between Aurora, James, Sky and I.

I move closer to her and pull her into a hug so she can at least cry on my shoulder.

"We are going to figure it out." But even as I say the words I know it won't be  easy because looking into the real truth is likely to change everything for everyone.



Cassandra slowly removes her head from shoulder so she can look at me. "What will happen if everything Aurora said in her diary is the truth?" She asks, all her vulnerability showing.

I have been wondering rte same thing and the truth is I don't know. All I know is that whatever is going to happen, it's not going to be good.

Cassandra reads my mind and quickly realizes that I also have no idea what will happen if everything they have believed about their lives turns out to be nothing but a lie.

Cassandra nods, realizing I'm just in the same boat as her and that I'm just as scared of what the future holds. "Okay, I'm going to go." She says before briefly looking at Ronnie. "I had to see how she was even though Amelia assured me she was ok. Sarrtina and Zaralina can be pretty vicious." Even saying her name seems to hurt but wait a minute, who's Zaralina? "The girl who was with Sarrtina, the same one who attacked you in the alley that one time." She explains, answering my unspoken question.

"I will tell her you came to see her." I know she's fond of my sister and Ronnie, well, she really likes Cassandra. I really don't know how that's going to end.

"Ok, goodbye Heaven." She says before leaving me alone with my sister.

I don't stay long after Cassandra leaves, Ronnie and my father are in good hands and Alice is staying so I decide to go home. Besides I promised Sky I would be at school tomorrow. I know how important it is for him especially since he just skipped an entire day for me. Plus in all honesty I love going to school and being with my boyfriend and friends, it makes me feel like a normal person.

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