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Sky tightly grips my hand, like he's afraid I'm going to run away or something. In all honesty I'm also scared, if the Rosemont sisters came all this way to talk, it must be very important and it their world it could also mean very dangerous. They didn't even take the time to go and change out of their uniforms.

"What is it?" I ask, trying to ignore my heart hammering against my rib cage.

As usual Amelia is the first to speak up. "I'm sorry Heaven but we have some bad news."

"What happened?" I don't know if I can handle anymore bad news.

"It's James....."

"He's dead, I know." I interrupt her, relieved that it's not something serious. I mean him dying is serious, especially if it's part of some elaborate plan for a reunion on Aurora's part, but it's at least something I already knew.

"You know?" Amelia is surprised.

"Yes." I nod.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Sky asks me.

"Yes, how long have you known?" Cassandra asks.

I sigh. "Aurora told me."

"Aurora told you?" This time it's Nikolina who asks.

"Wait, if Aurora knows how come she's calm? She was enslaved to James and him dying would destroy her." Even Cassandra is confused by all this.

"Well, that's what I thought I thought as well but apparently Aurora thinks that him dying is a good thing." Even as I say it, I still don't know if it makes any sense.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me any of this. We said no more secrets." Sky mutters to me and he doesn't sound too pleased.

"I didn't want you to worry." I whisper back. I don't want us to fight, not right now we have so much going on.

"This was her plan." We all turn our attention to Nikolina. "She knew it all along." It's like she's talking to herself.

"Nikolina, what are you saying?" Amelia asks her sister.

"Aurora knew...." Before she can finish she goes still again. But this time her eyes change color, they turn completely grey and again they are not blinking. She's not moving, just looking into the air like she's having another vision.

I want to touch, to shake her so she can tell us exactly what she's seeing because I know it has to do with me.

"Don't." Cassandra reads my mind and warns me against.

Seconds later Nikolina is out of her trance with a gasp. She's breathing fast and gasping for her. I immediately know that whatever she saw was very bad because Nikolina looks like she's seen a ghost.

"Sister," Amelia places her hand on Nikolina's shoulder. "What did you see?"

"I see it now, it's all clear. Aurora wasn't wrong." She looks at me. "You are going to die.

"Die?" Sky's voice is barely a whisper.

"Yes." Cassandra says. "But it can be avoided because Heaven's death doesn't ensure a reunion between Aurora and James so it can be avoided." She quickly adds, no doubt to comfort him.

But Sky isn't buying it, he's actually way smarter than we give him credit for. "You knew didn't you?" He asks me, his voice filled with anger and pain.


"Why didn't you tell me?" He lets go of my hand. "Why do you keep lying to me?"

"I didn't lie." I try to defend myself but he's right, I keep withholding information from him.

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