Fallen wolfs

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"I had a dream I reached paradise ...oh it was so amazing there were all these red and blue flowers blooming as far as the eye can see and you know what they were all lunar flowers." toboe said

"Have you ever seen a lunar flower before?" Hige asked him

"Well no not really" Toboe said "but granny was there too and she toke care of us and cooked for us and made us all kinds of delicious food"

"What are ya talking about?"

"I guess he'll be happy being somebody's pet even in paradise" tsume said laying in snow

"It's what your thinking it was like a party and we where all treated like guests and there was great music playing and everything" Toboe tired to convince

"Sounds like a city coffee shop to me" Hige said looking away disappointing Toboe again

'Sounds like home' jamie thought

"But it was true Hige it was so amazing it made me think that this was really paradise ,it's kind of hard to describe"

"Well with a brain like yours what do ya expect" Hige said

"Give me a break not even Kiba told me what paradise is like so how am I suppose to know. Can you tell me what color lunar flowers are can you tell me that?" Toboe asked

Walking a little ways farther they came upon an ocean with ice floating in its freezing waters a train track went across the ocean to the other side that you could not see.

They walked on the tracks with guests of wind blowing in there faces "the sent is really faint but it's lunar flowers alright" Kiba said

"Guys this it ,paradise is right up ahead I know it" Toboe said running with Tsuki by his side Jamie and Kiba then Hige and tsume but stopped to see at the other end of the bridge was a building.

"You smell flowers huh, we'll all I smell is the stench of rancid oil" Hige said as everyone else hops of the wall but Toboe slipped and fell Tsuki nearly landed on his head and jamie she didn't look where she jumping didn't go far enough and landed on kibas back who didn't seem to mind.

"Man what a crappy city" tsume said Toboe looked around to what he meant people where in alleys and closing there windows.

"You think there all afraid of us?" Toboe questioned

"Not use to visitors that's for sure" Hige replied

"Where the hell are we suppose to find here anyway?" tsume questioned "this is some paradise"

Walking through another ally jamie who was in the front sort of stepped away to the right seeing another wolf pack that didn't seem friendly.

A man with a scare on the left side of his face with a blue and red striped jacket that was open, Jean pants and boots his hair combed back seemed to be in his 30 or 40s.

Kiba glared at the guy as jamie stepped behind him "where are you boys and girls from?" The man asked

"A city to the north" Kiba answered

"Why are you here?" He questioned again

"Just passing through, you don't expect us to do business here in a dump like this" tsume answered

"Well then where are you going?"

"Where are we going?" Hige questioned

"To paradise" Toboe blurted making the rest of the other mans pack members laugh along with him.

"Kiba why are they laughing?" Toboe asked

"Because they obviously know nothing about paradise" he answered

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