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Third p.o.v

"Wow it's so warm" Toboe said walking out of the tunnel that they were coming from "see, boy when I'm right I am soo right" Hige exclaimed sarcastically looking at Jamie who was beside him but she only gave a nope-face.

"You forgot to mention it stinks here" Tsuki said looking at Hige just as Jamie nodded in agreement "stop complaining" Hige told them "how'd you know about this?" Kiba asked.

"..can't say for sure, hey must be my keen instinct" Hige replied walking off "instinct huh" Tsume said "look how high the ceiling is" Toboe said not noticing Kiba ,Tsume, and Jamie were walking away from them "man I've never seen a dome this big before".

"So what's the plan?" Tsume asked Kiba who had Jamie staying close next to him that was just looking around "Cheza gotta be somewhere inside the keep" Kiba replied "mm, well if that's case it should be over there" Hige pointed "well how do you know that?" Toboe asked him sort of amazed.

Then there was hige's hungry stomach "..really Hige" Jamie and Tsuki said at the same time "uh, hey why don't we break up into teams ,you guys look for a way in or something'n and the runts and I will scoop out the joint k" Hige said "don't you mean scoop out for food" Tsume questioned knowing that's what he'd do if he were by himself.

Hige laughed sheepishly and putting his hands up defensively  "don't worry we'll be sure to bring back enough for everyone, right?" Hige looked at Tsuki who shrugged her shoulders and Toboe who gave a proud smile "leave it to us".

"We would be less conspicuous if we split up" Tsume said to Kiba "alright ,the three of us will go and check out the area around the keep" Kiba said "it's a plan, we'll meet' cha back here at moon rise" Hige said before running off with Tsuki and Toboe.

"I hope Hige keeps his word" Jamie said before turning around to join up with Kiba and Tsume who've already gone ahead.


Tsuki p.o.v

"We should we able to find food and water and just about anything else in a place like this don't you think?" Toboe asked Hige "After you turn the corner up ahead there's a big stairway that leads up after that.." Hige mumbled to himself "what'd ya talking about?" Toboe asked but when we turned the corner there was the big stairway Hige was mumbling about.

"It's really here!" Hige said all shocked "Hige what's going on?" Toboe questioned but just as I was about to say something two skateboarders came jumping from the top of the stairs and almost landed right ontop of us if we hadn't of gotten out of the way in time "You moron's watch where your going!!" Hige yelled at them holding up a fist but they only laughed at us.

"I Guess this place has people like Tsume too" Toboe said but I just completely shook my head and corrected him "If people were like Tsume here then I'd be gothic and mean".


Jamie's p.o.v

We stood on top of a tower looking down at the city. It looked really pretty from this height, I gazed with my hands folded behind my back and one leg bent forward so I wouldn't loose my balance and fall.

"So what now trying to go through the front gate would be suicide" Tsume said making Kiba look at him as if he read his mind "not that it scares me, just seems kind of pointless is all" Kiba smirked "wise men's words ,want to find the backdoor" Kiba joked.

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