Scent of a trap

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Third p.o.v

"Did you see that flash in the clouds just now!?" Toboe asked while running along side Tsuki "look there it is again!" "I don't think it's the clouds that are flashing, they must be reflecting light on the ground" Tsume said.

"Smells like something's on fire" Hige said just as they stopped and looked in front of them a few miles away a building where sounds of something exploding and fire was smelled. "It's the stench battle.." Kiba said

"Those stupid humans are killing each other" Tsume said as they all saw a tank fire at something making it exploded "and all for a nobles glory" Hige said "Kiba ,we should go don't ya think?" Toboe questioned.

Jamie looked at the smoke then at Kiba who remained clam and silent. Then all of a sudden the back of the tank opened and out walked a troop just like the ones they fought before "jaguaras troops" Hige spoke "we found them" Tsume said.

Just then Kiba ran off and so did the rest. Toboe ,Hige ,and Tsuki toke out troops that were behind walls while Tsume and Kiba toke out the troops in the tanks leaving Jamie to take the troops out around them.

Jamie saw a man getting by the armored troop, gesturing with her head she was able to get her friends attention to help him. Kiba nocked the sword out the troops hands making it land next to the mans hand. They all surrounded the troop.

Toboe and Tsuki dogged the troops sound wave that came from its shield while Hige pushed it roughly from behind making it drop its sword ,Tsume used his knife to cut the troops chest plate off leaving the neck vulnerable which Kiba toke a chance to while Jamie attacked the legs.

Once they were done ,they started searching the tanks for survivors. The man grabbed his gun and aimed it Kiba who was just standing on top of the tank in front of him "Don't move!" He warned but for a split second he saw Kiba in his wolf form "Alright who are you...and why the hell would you want to rescue us?" The man questioned.

Kiba narrowed his eyes a little "it wasn't intentionally" Kiba spoke surprising the man a little "Hey check it out this is one of the guys that was chasing us back in the city where we first meet Cheza" Hige said making Kiba's eyes widen "You mean you know about Cheza!?" Kiba asked hurriedly getting the attention of Jamie.

"What'd ya talking about?" The man asked just as Tsume, Hige, Toboe, and Tsuki jumped in front of him "She's a girl made from lunar flowers" Toboe said ,apparently that gave the man to remember something "Your those boys from darcia's city!" The man said surprised.

"See I told ya"

"Where did they take her?" Jamie asked joining in on the conversation "I thought the flower went with you and then-" the man trailed off "she was kidnapped by people wearing the armor as these idiots" Tsume said sparking something in the man's mind "you mean jaguara?" The man asked Kiba gave a nod as a reply.

"It all makes sense now, I never really understood what jaguara would want to attack us Arckum, jaguara, darcia. The nobles would risk everything they had just to get they're hands on that flower" the man said

"Look pale we don't give a crap about what the nobles are doing the only thing we want to know is wether or not you've seen Cheza" Hige said pointing his fingers in the air "no I haven't seen her, But if they did take the flower to jaguaras keep you'll find it by heading that way, out beyond the sea of floating ice" the man pointed.

They all looked at each other and without a word they left "Wait a minute!" The man shouted stoping them "tell me something ,are you really gonna fight jaguara alone?" They all looked at him with smiles and emotionless faces "wether I'm alone or not ,I'm always gonna fight to protect the ones that need me, no matter what" Kiba said and with that they were off again.


Kiba suddenly stopped running and looked in the direction of where the battle that they saw earlier was happening "looks like they're at it again, what's the plan?" Hige questioned "well ones thing for sure we're never gonna get anywhere if we keep attacking them one by one like we have been" Tsume said looking at Kiba.

"I know it's time we head for jaguara's keep ,no more distractions" and they continued running...again "Jamie.." Kiba spoke to the female by his left side still wearing his jacket "yes Kiba?" She asked not looking at him "be by my side this ..time" she heard him speak surprising her. She looked at him with a confused face but saw the emotions in his beautiful blue eyes "..sure" she grinned.

Suddenly Kiba stopped and looked up at the sky "what is it?" Tsume asked but then heard a low rumbling noise from the sky "no doubt about it, let's go!"

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