Fallen keep

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Third p.o.v

The now seven wolfs walked through the snow storm fighting the strong gusts of cold air that blew in their faces.

"Kiba!" Hige called out who was in front with Tsume behind him along with Jamie. Kiba ignored Hige making him stomp towards him and grabbed his shoulder making him face him. "Dammit will you wait up!" Hige huffed "come on your going to fast let's take a break."

Jamie crossed her arms against her chest trying to keep warm and keep her hair out of her face in order to see were she was walking. Taking a glance behind Tsuki and Toboe were using tsuki's scarf for warmth. "We don't have time!" She heard Kiba say as she bit her lip and shivered "will you use your head for once. We got a girl and three little kids with us."

"I can hear you y'know" blu said standing next to the barley covered Tsuki and Toboe "I can keep up" "yeah us too" Toboe said "you realize HE's the one that wants to rest don't you" Tsume said referring to Hige "I do not I just-" Tsume cut him off "but you gotta admit that he does have a point" Tsume looked at Kiba who looked at him emotionless "at this rate none of us will make it .we can take shelter in those rocks until the storm clears."

"That settles it then .can you guys hang in a little longer?" Hige asked "just worry about yourself alright" blu said dragging Tsuki and Toboe along with her by the scarf. "Yes ma'am sorry."

"It's so cold" Jamie whispered. Tsume look at her. Her Breath could be seen, biting her lip so her teeth weren't chattering, huddling her arms together, goosebumps along her arms and cold feet. "Here" Kiba threw his jacket to Jamie which landed on her head. Jamie looked at the jacket then looked at Kiba "but, Kiba aren't you going to be cold?" Jamie asked. The only reply was Kiba turing away.


"The sun will be up soon, we should rest here until then" Tsume suggested "what'd ya say Kiba I mean the storm will blow it's self out by morning" Hige said "it already has" Kiba said making everyone look at him puzzled.

"Come on it'll be fine"

"Well none of us will be fine!!" Tsume snarled "Do what you want but I'm leaving" Kiba said with no emotion "look I can handle it" blu suddenly said standing up "yeah let's get going" Toboe said but was pulled by the sleeve from Tsuki who was sitting. "NO. I'm not going anywhere till morning" Hige stated firmly. Kiba looked at them with a bored expression "I understand" he muttered but right as he was about to walk out he looked at Jamie who was curled into ball wrapped in his jacket.

"Jamie let's go..." Kiba said but sounded more like an order startling the girl jumping to her feet. "Will follow them once the storm blows over for now just get some rest and don't worry about it" Tsume said closing his eyes and laying back. Tsuki looked at the entrance of the cave they were in before snuggling back with Toboe who was cuddling her like a little kid with his stuffed animal.


Jamie's p.o.v

I don't know why Kiba ordered me to come with him but for one thing he was running a little too fast for me "Kiba slow down!" I yelled but ended up tripping over my shoes only taking a few more steps before I fell and faceplanted the snowy ground.

Lifting my head up I could see Kiba in the distance waiting for me. Pushing myself up I continued to run again this time giving it my all.

We came to this castle looking place and it was HUGE and had an erie feeling to it when you look at it. I was a bit hesitant at first "Cheza is in there?" I pointed to the castle which Kiba ran into without warning. Sighing to myself I ran after him again. We could feel cheza near by.

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