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Victoria's p.o.v

I've been walking in my wolf form, limping since I had gotten shot by a solider, luckily escaping by doing a gymnastics flip over a wall that I got cornered in. Don't know how I did that but I'm assuming it must have been the adrenaline. Right now I'm walking until I see or what I presume is Toboe trying to catch a crow but failed and got picked in the nose multiple times and backing up into a stray cat that scared him into a corner.

I just stood in the middle of all that , seeing Toboe whimper like a dog I went up to him casually "Hi" I greeted. Then out of the corner of my eye, I see the girl who gives Toboe sausages then pets him getting an idea from that I went up to the girl with Toboe following me.

Just like the anime, she dropped the potato Toboe sniffed it and was about to eat it until the girl ran over and picked it up making us whimper as our hunger grew. She looked at both of us before saying "here try some theses they taste better" holding out the sausages that I eyed.

I grabbed the sausages showing them to Toboe who toke the other end and ripped the meat into two pieces so we're even then she left hearing the call of her dad Toboe and I watched as the girl drove away.


Jamie's p.o.v

It's been a day since I've met Hige and Kiba since I've only seen one episode of Wolfs Rain I don't know how to act since I'm like from WAY in the past.

We were currently walking through markets because Hige was going to show us a way out of this city, but I felt like I was forgetting something. I'm such a forgetful person. We passed a stand of hot dogs, the smell was extremely tempting to not wanna just run up and steal one right off the grill, but I knew what Hige was going to do.

We turned around a corner Hige stopped and turned facing kiba and I then brought out three hot dogs from his pocket handing us one of our own. Just looking at the hot dog made me drool 'great now I'm having the appetite of a wolf. . .who cares must eat?'

I ate that in one bite, for when I eat food I tend to eat lease since I have a limit to food I'm picky and only eat when I'm hungry but sometimes a snack. Licking my lips and whipping my hand on my red coat "that was good" I said.

kiba sniffed his food before taking a bite "This is awful" but he still ate it "How can you not like hotdogs?" I asked, I figured since we're part wolf and wolfs eat meat we'd like hot dogs, guess some of us have different tastes.

"That's the best you can get around here" Hige said with his mouth full food "If I see a deer looping by I be sure catch it for yea" stuffing the last piece of food in his mouth

The sound of birds flying caught my attention. I looked up and saw some sparrows on a electricity pole 'I didn't even think there were birds in city's besides pigeons' I thought.

"The nobles are at it again ,it's like they pick up one idiot after another" hige said

"Nobles?" I questioned looking at hige then back at the birds "Where do the troops take them? Once their caught" Kiba asked

"Well the same place they toke you guys I guess" hige replied looking at the tower that was on are right 'We were in there, I'm surprised hige found us.'

"That's perfect" Kiba whispered to himself


"I'll blend in then sneak inside"

"What but we had to fool them just to get out, that hog dog fried your brain"

"I'm going back in" Kiba said with a serious face

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