
358 11 1

Third p.o.v

"Is this an ocean?" Toboe questioned looking at all glaciers of ice that bumped and collided into each other. "it's an ice flow." Kiba answered "what's an ice flow?" Toboe asked "it's a frozen sea" Tsume replied.

"Are we gonna walk across this?" Toboe asked Kiba unsurely. Kiba nodded. "we have to. It's on the other side" he then jumped down and so did everyone else, careful not fall into the icy cold water. "Wah! That's cold!" Toboe shouted holding his hand that had touched the water.

"Would you be careful runt? you know we're on top of water here." Hige exclaimed, Toboe grunted and pouted like a child. "I know that, come on let's go!" Toboe said jumping across the sheet of ice they were on "well what are you waiting for hurry up! This cold feels great!" Toboe exclaimed with a sudden burst of energy.

"What the hell he's so happy? for its freezing" Hige said

"He's such a pup." Tsume sighed


"Hey! What the hell are you waiting for? Are you scared?" Hige teased Toboe who stopped at the edge of a giant ravine that the rest had jumped over "I was just getting ready too alright!" Toboe hollered.

"Getting ready to do what?" Hige questioned as Toboe ran back to start out with picking up speed which helped but he ended up going to far and crashed into Tsuki and Jamie.

"Ahha ow!" They groaned getting off each other  "hey look at this" Tsuki said picking up a bone from a pill underneath the snow "Are these all bird bones or what?" Toboe questioned "Not so much as a scrap of meat left on them" Hige whined.

"Don't worry we should find something in the town up ahead" Kiba said

"Yeah your right the sooner we put this frozen dumb behind us the sooner we can eat. Hey Brats you still in one piece?" Tsume questioned looking back at the two wolves that were behind. "w-well of course we are!" They said "come on birds let's see some fly'n up there." Hige said.

"Shack a leg runt your falling behind!" Hige called out to Toboe who was 8 feet away from them "Yeah, I know! I know!" Toboe said himself but none of them knew that they were being watched by something in the water.

Looking around at all the bones and skeletons of walruses. "Man, it's like a junkyard for bones" Hige said as they surveyed the area "I've got a bad feeling about this." Tsume said "That may be but we still have to pass through it." Kiba stated not bothered by all the bones and the way they were crushed.

"I kind of had a figured you would say that. . .hm?" Hige glanced back seeing Toboe stare out like he was in a trance "Toboe ,Tsuki what happened to your arms?" He questioned seeing blood dripping down from their arms "we must of bumped into something, there just scratches." they both said calmly.

"Why don't we rest for awhile." Kiba suggested but Toboe refused "Don't baby us! we said we're fine. Come on day lights wasted." he ran off while grabbing Tsuki's arm "If they got that much energy they must be okay." Hige said "But there's no telling what the smell of fresh blood will attract." Kiba said "look on the bright side if something does decide to show up we could always eat it" Tsume said making Jamie's stomach growl.

"All the better if that something has a lot of red meat on it" Hige said making Jamie's stomach growl again

"Sorry" Jamie said sheepishly.

𝙒𝙚'𝙧𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙒𝙤𝙡𝙛'𝙨 𝙍𝙖𝙞𝙣Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora