The successors

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Toboe put some herbal plants on kibas chest and on Jamie's back so their wounds would heal faster, yet Jamie had to have Tsuki do it and go behind a wall so no one saw them since it would be embarrassing in front of four guys to have a girl take her shirt off.

"This should hopefully help heal his wounds a little faster." Toboe said finished treating kibas wounds, "It's typical. . .he never thinks first damn Kiba." Hige mumbled with his arms behind his head laying against the wall with his eyes closed.

"Couldn't watch that without doing something about it." Toboe said remembering of what Kiba and Jamie did as he looked at kiba's resting form "Still they shouldn't of butted in." Tsume stated standing in the empty door fram.

"Tsume?" Toboe questioned


"Ouch that stings!" Jamie hissed as Tsuki applied medicine on her friends scared up back, as if it wasn't already scared enough with old acne scars and ripped flesh from the fight "Well if you hold still then it wouldn't hurt so much!" Tsuki scolded her friend as she put more medicine on Jamie's shoulders.

"There I'm done!" Tsuki whipped her hands on her boot cut jeans while Jamie let out a sigh of a relief glad that her back didn't need to be touched anymore. Just feeling the cool and smelling the medical smell of herbal plants while looking up at the cloudy sky.

"Know time to put bandages on you" Tsuki said happily giggling at her friends terrified face.


"Let's just go get the hell out of here" Tsume suggested

"But we can't move Kiba now." Toboe remarked

"That's exactly why we should of gotten out of here yesterday." Hige exclaimed

"Whatever happened to living here had more going for it then you thought?" Tsume asked Hige who looked away in thought just as Kiba suddenly opened his blue eyes just as Tsuki and Jamie walked in with Jamie wearing now wearing a new shirt that was brown.

"Tch, let's go!" Kiba tried to get up only wincing from the pain having to have Toboe lay him back down. "Well I know somebody here who has a stuffed gut" Tsume grinned looking at Hige "Hey! you where the one's who didn't eat. Coal was nice enough to bring us food and you turned up your noses, it's rude so that foods wasted. I had no choice but to eat it all myself someone had to do it" Hige stated

"You could of left us some" Toboe muttered with a disappointed expression "Well you were the ones who wondered off by yourself not me!"

"Did you have a little date?" Tsume questioned

Hige immediately looked away scratching the side of his face "I don't know there was something about her that seemed kind of lonely."

"So what do we gotta do something?" Toboe asked

"Oh like imposing on coals hospitality for a while?" Hige questioned nonchalantly

"NO! like you getting us something to eat by yourself!" Tsume growled

"By myself!?" Tsume toke a step forward staring Hige down with a firm look telling that he was serious "Alright I'm going" Hige mumbled "I'll go find more herbs for kiba's wounds" Toboe said leaving with Tsuki.

Tsume looked at Kiba who was sleeping then sighed as Jamie stiffened her body not wanting to hurt her back so she hard time finding a way to sit right without making her back sting.

Jamies p.o.v

Having a bandages on your back while having medicine heal your ripped up back from fighting wolfs that have sharp teeth doesn't feel all that good except when you just sit in one position then it doesn't hurt as much as when you try and move around.

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