Chezas song

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Third p.o.v

"I wonder if she's on edge I mean if we're on dose" Toboe asked seeing as how cheza was about to step off the mountain.

"We're all on edge around her that's why" kiba replied

Jamie was serving the land while Tsuki was leaning against the mountain doing the same thing.

"Who the hell wouldn't be on edge? and she's not human an shes not a wolf or even flower .how are we ever suppose to trust something that and even more so cause a noble created it" tsume said getting a glare from kiba and a quick glance from Jamie.

"Are we really going to take her with us?" tsume asked as they started walking again

"Yeah" kiba replied

"What for?"

"Well I don't see anything wrong with it it'd be mean to just leave her here and besides I think it'd be kinda nice to have the smell of lunar flowers around, don't you?" Toboe said

"Isn't that what exactly makes her a danger to us?" Tsume exclaimed kiba stop turned around and faced Tsume with his emotionless face. "If she stinks up the place while we're moving around it's as good as giving away are location"

"A humans sense of smell isn't that sensitive" kiba said

"But my eyes tell me she's trouble what good is she to us anyway?"

"Cheza is more important to us then more then anything else ,if your a wolf Tsume then you should know this!" Kiba raised his voice.

"Sorry but I don't!" Tsume raised his voice

"She's gonna get us to paradise!"

"I am so sick of hearing that word!"

Their arguing would have gotten worse if it hasn't of been for chezas humming making them feel sleepy.

"Dammit Toboe..Tsuki don't fall asleep!" Tsume said trying to fight the feeling of sleep.

"To late" they both said falling asleep on top of each other.

"What's happening!?"

"I don't know what's going on I just..." Kiba fell asleep

Tsume fell asleep seeing as how Jamie kept trying to keep her eyes from drooping but failed and fell asleep on the ground with some of her hair in her face.

Chezas singing gave the six wolfs dreams, dreams that they were with granny, with their pack being welcomed, chasing elk for food while running through the snow, not dying from foxy, and relaxing on a grassy meadow.


Tsuki p.o.v

Toboe, Hige ,and I walked into this city to buy some stuff for cheza but I don't really think she needs anything.

As I walked behind Toboe A white cat happens to spoke Toboe making him fall and scrabble backwards I looked at Toboe then at the cat then at Toboe then at the cat. I sighed before picking the cat up and petting it's soft fur "really Toboe ...really" I said as he sheepishly laughed.

"Cats always freak me out"

I got nothing after like an hour of looking around for something to give to cheza yet Toboe got a fur coat and I don't want to know if it's real fur but I did get some boots for myself and a blue scarf.

"What the hell is that thing?" Hige asked Toboe seeing the ugly fur coat.

"I thought that maybe she might be cold" Toboe said

𝙒𝙚'𝙧𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙒𝙤𝙡𝙛'𝙨 𝙍𝙖𝙞𝙣Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora