Paradise part 2

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Th color from Quint's skin had paled with sweat coming down his face as he walked over to Toboe's and tsuki's bodies trembling uncontrollably.

He looked up at Darcia who pointed his pistol at him but before he could even pull the trigger ,Toboe and Tsuki suddenly bit Darcia's hand and leg hard enough to make blood be drawn and spill onto the ground.

"You can not hurt me. I no longer feel pain ,Jaguara's poison was strong her venom slowly eating me alive" Darcia whipped Toboe and Tsuki off of him like they were nothing sending them in opposite directions.

Quint fired his gun and shot Darcia in the shoulder but Darcia didn't show one sign of pain. "Foolish creature..your kind began as wolfs but you turned into humans and were driven from paradise, and now you can not return to your original form"


Darcia had shot quint in the heart making him die slowly in cold blood.

"Mister..." Toboe said weakly helping up his weak mate up "pops.." She said as they wobbled toward him dripping blood behind them, panting, and struggling to keep each other on their feet.

"We're sorry" they said

"Don't apologize..I'm the one..who pulled the trigger" quint said in-between breaths. Tsuki tripped over her shoes but didn't allow herself to fall "i gave my word to blu ..that i would look out for you..i promised" Toboe said having to have Tsuki grab onto his shoulder.

"I promised....that I would protect you and Tsuki" he said just as Tsuki's breathing was starting to slow down "I'm so sorry.." Toboe whispered looking at Tsuki's peaceful face if not for the blood dripping out of her mouth.

"I wish We could of stayed.. at your side and watched ..over you like blu did ..for of are lives" Toboe collapsed and looked at the forever sleeping Tsuki who rolled off him making him have tears start to form in his eyes as he tried to get her back up.

Toboe swallowed the lump in his throat as he moved her with him wrapping his arms around her while laying next to quint "I wish we all...could of gone to paradise together...let us sleep here for awhile.." Toboe whispered softly, resting his head on Quint's arm which Quint in return petted Toboe's and Tsuki's head as they laid dying.

Somewhere Toboe and Tsuki entered a beautiful place with a bright blue sky with white clouds and a soft grassy green land and sitting next to granny with her basket as she smiled at them cashing each other.

"It's was you..." quint breathed remembering of when they saved him from the snow in that ditch "I get it now was you...There in the snow." quint pulled them closer to him as tears dripped out of his eyes and gave a final breath "you saved me..."

"Toboe! Tsuki!" Tsume yelled with a distressed look on his face trying to wake them up but he couldn't for they had passed on. Tsume fell to his knees "stupid kids." he whispered.

"Tsuki?" Jamie said softly clutching her fang necklace as she bit her lip trying not to cry at the site of her friends. Kiba, Cheza, and Tsume all looked at her as she slowly approached them and took off her necklace and laid it on them before wiping away her tears before they could fall and sniffled.

Cheza walked up to Jamie and gave her a gentle hug to which Jamie just looked at the sky as tears fell down her cheeks with a smile. The pain in her chest had went away and now she had felt nothing.

𝙒𝙚'𝙧𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙒𝙤𝙡𝙛'𝙨 𝙍𝙖𝙞𝙣Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant