New blue

313 11 0

Third p.o.v

Ever since last night all six wolfs were in grief that they lost their flower, their only hope of reaching paradise that was snatched away. Laying on old rusted machinery the six wolfs rested. One was in the corner behind a metal wall where Tsume was laying on with a gloomy look on her face crouched into a ball.

Ever since last night Jamie couldn't sleep without the image of cheza smiling at her before being taken away. Jamie looked at the ground, blinking once before closing her sad eyes and burying her head in her arms mad at herself for not protecting Cheza. Made that she wasn't strong enough.

Tsuki watched as her friend sat alone all by herself. She knew how she was feeling but thought that the best thing to do was give her a little space to calm down.

"Come on guys I know we've been through a lot but why all the mopping?" Hige asked trying to get his friends back in spirt "I couldn't sleep that's why" Toboe replied with a tired look. "Yeah well neither could I."

"You slept like a dead man like always." Tsume grumbled "look I'm just as shocked and frustrated as the rest of you but none of that is gonna help figure out what to do now. Are we gonna live in a swear for the rest of are lives? somebody say something Dammit! Kiba you haven't said a single word to any of us since everything happened!" Hige exclaimed

"Drop it" Tsume ordered

"Kiba was hurt the most remember." Toboe remarked

"It's not that" Kiba said looking in the direction of where Jamie was sitting narrowing his eyes a little "it's just I'm really pissed off." Suddenly they heard someone shout, it was only for a split minute did they see the same blue wolf that they met yesterday.

Stopping the wolf changed into her human form she had dark blue hair ,a pink scarf, dark blue buttoned jacket with a waist belt, dark blue shorts ,and dark blue high boots.

"She's got friends" a man said from behind her dressed in a white business suit with two other men behind him that didn't seem all that clean. "Yeah so what's it to you?" Hige questioned stepping in from the girl with his hands on his hips.

"Hand over the girl!" the man said demandingly

"Why should we?" Hige asked getting defensive

"She's are merchandise" the man answered "you guys aren't from around here are ya?"

"Yeah so what if we aren't?" Hige asked nonchalantly

"There's a big demand for young bodies in this town" one of the men said holding a pice of pipe.

"People will pay top dollar for Healthy organs" the other man said also holding a piece of pipe before running at Tsume and Kiba who easily dogged their attacks.

"Tsume rolled his head and cracked his shoulders "you don't suspect to give up are bodies do ya?!" Tsume growled running behind one of the men and side kicking him in the gut. The man in the white business suit tried to make a break for it but Hige slammed him to the side. The other man failed miserably to hit Kiba by tripping over his foot and face planting the ground.

They all stood on top of the men except for Toboe, Tsuki ,and Jamie .pinning them down making them scared of there mad wolf faces." I'm going crazy oh no it's the curse it's the curse of the house of darcia!!" The man who tripped over kibas foot screamed as Kiba nearly bit his face off.


"Did you see the stupid look on their faces" Tsume laughed sitting on old piece of building that looks like a rock "I know that felt terrific" Toboe said " Kiba you alright?" "Yeah."

"Hey are you alright?" Hige asked the girl in blue "yeah thanks for helping me" she thanked.

"We didn't do it for you ya know. Those idiots just happened to catch us in a bad mood that's all" Tsume spat "she was just thanking us why do you have to be so harsh it's not like we run into girls everyday, by the way I'm Hige".

"My name's blu" blu said "it's been awhile" she looked up at Kiba. "Huh you know each other?" Hige questioned "you could say that" Kiba said.

"You did some nasty things to use when you were human" Tsume said

"That old guy where is he?" Toboe asked meaning the one that was always shouting at them. "Something happened and we were split up" blu answered "he was still tracking us in the last city we were in" Kiba said.

"I know he was that's why he was there pops will try and track down a wolf till the ends of the earth" blu smiled ."I don't get it but aren't you a wolf too?" Toboe asked.

"Hey that girl isn't she with you ,you know the one your traveling with she had a uh a really strange sent" blue asked ignoring Toboes question "you mean cheza?".

"Cheza?" Blue said thinking of the name while in the background Tsuki was trying to get her friend to stop being so depressed and sitting the corner with gloom hanging over her but the mentioning of cheza made her turn white and deflating back to the ground like balloon making tsuki faceplam.

"Oh uh about that well let's just say we shouldn't talk about that right now ok" Hige said noticing the condition Jamie was in "I know why don't we look for some food I mean we did just bump into each other and all besides there's whole mess of danger for a girl on her own in a town like this"

"Not a chance porky" Tsume said

"Why not!?" Hige asked glaring at Tsume "As if I'd ever hang out with her .she was doing everything she could to hunt us down" "yeah but-" Hige trailed off "you know your only saying that because it didn't happen to you" Toboe said.

"Forget it I don't want to hang out with a bunch of kids either. See ya around" blu waved as she trotted off making Hige run after her.

"His tail wags when ever there's a girl around just let him go" Tsume said nonchalantly sitting back where he was. "When we were back in that city she found out she was half wolf cheza told her"Kiba said looking in the direction where blu toke off.

"Half wolf?" Toboe questioned

"That side of her must of woken up after meeting cheza" Kiba replied before going silent "cheza ...I wonder what she's doing, you think she's okay" Toboe wondered. Jamie slightly looked over her shoulder in the direction of where blu went before looking away when she saw Kiba looking at her.

Jamie looked at the ground with dual eyes, Tsuki went to join up with Kiba, Tsume, and Toboe waiting for Hige to return but now that's it nearly time for the sun to set Hige hasn't returned and Jamie hasn't moved from her spot still keeping away.

Kiba looked around seeing Tsuki and Toboe were looking at the sky trying to see the stars that they could see even when there's still a little bit of sun light left. Tsume was laying on his back with his hands behind his head with his eyes closed .Jamie still hadn't moved from her spot.

"Kiba ,Tsuki and I are going to go look for Hige just to see if he's ok" Toboe said before running off, Tsuki walked over to Kiba and told him how Jamie was doing before catching up with Toboe.

Kiba looked at Jamie seeing her scratch at the ground with her finger not doing anything besides that. Getting up he walked over to her making her stop what she was doing not looking at him. "What?" She asked barley even a whisper but Kiba heard her loud and clear taking a mental note of the despair and gloom in her voice.

A few minutes of silence went by before Kiba asked "you doing alright?" Jamie blinked before folding her arms on top of her knees and looking away hiding her face "sort of..." Kiba bent down to her height "Jamie look at me" She didn't other than just move her head more.

"I'm not mad at you because you weren't able to protect cheza" Kiba said softly not wanting to make Jamie uncomfortable "Tsuki told me that you were depressed that you couldn't protect cheza so you blamed it on it yourself" Kiba was about to say something else until they heard gunshots being fired.

"We gotta go!!" Tsume yelled running with a grazed arm wound from a bullet Kiba and Jamie quickly ran with him until they came upon an elderly couple who helped them escape the soldiers that were tracking them and where they met up with Hige, blu, Toboe, and Tsuki. They eat and got directions to Darcias castle before thanking the couple and running off into the night.

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