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Title: “The One Where The Booty Call Happens.”

Scene 31: Exterior / Spencer’s Backyard / Night

Harry is by the bar, trying to order yet another shot but Cara stops him right in time. They are both already pretty drunk.

CARA: “Oh, no, no, no, and no. Don’t even try.”

HARRY: “Just one more and I’m done. I swear.”

CARA: “If only I got a dollar for every time I heard you say that. I’d have like 5 dollars.”

HARRY: “What you talking about? You are still drinking.”

CARA: “I’m having a margarita, that’s not even close to be as strong as the shot you want but… you can have some margarita if you want. I’m all about sharing.”

HARRY: “Ew, margarita sucks.” (grabs the drink from Cara’s hand and takes a long sip) “Disgusting.”

CARA: “That’s a long sip for someone who doesn’t like margaritas. I’m going to have to order another one.”

HARRY: (sighs) “Yes, please. I need more alcohol in my system.”

CARA: “Harry, you are being negative again.”

HARRY: “What’s there to be positive about my life?”

RANDOM GIRL: (the girl, who’s drunk as well, is ordering a drink at the bar, sees Harry and gets closer to him) “Hi, Harry! You look awesome.”

HARRY: (shrugs) “Thanks. You look awesome too.”

CARA: “There you go, something to be positive about.”

HARRY: “If only her name was Kevin.”

CARA: “Stop it with that dude already.”

HARRY: “You are the one who said I shouldn’t give up on him without putting up a fight.”

CARA: “Yeah, but you could try to forget about him tonight so we can have some fun.”

HARRY: “Fun is overrated.”

CARA: “You are overrated.”

HARRY: “I’m not overrated, I’m underrated. You see? I’m alone and I’m too pretty to be alone.”

CARA: “Aw, acting all cocky and obnoxious about your looks. That’s the Harry I know.”

HARRY: (gets excited) “Look!” (points to a tall guy, who’s standing a few steps away from them) “If you squint your eyes like this and then bend your head to the left, doesn’t that guy kind of look like Kevin?”

CARA: “Oh, here we go again.”

HARRY: “Do it.”

CARA: (does as Harry said) “Nah, I don’t see it. He kind of looks like Bruno Mars though.”

HARRY: “Bruno Mars? What the hell?”

CARA: “And, if you do the same, don’t I look like Shakira? Try it.”

HARRY: “Shakira? That doesn’t make any sense.”

CARA: “It totally does.” (starts faking Shakira’s singing voice) “Lero lole lole, lero lole lole. You see it now?”

It Started with a Selfie [larry stylinson a.u.]Where stories live. Discover now