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Title: “The One Where Louis Changes The Plan.”

Scene 3: Interior / Yale’s Dorms / Night

LOUIS (who’s now 22 years old) hangs out with ZAYN (22) and NIALL (21) at the bedroom he shares with Niall at the Yale’s Dorms.

ZAYN: “Do you honestly think that they would ever hire immigrants to do that job?”

NIALL: “Well, they have been trying to achieve a few changes in their exterior politics. So I don’t think they are that far from it.”

ZAYN: “It’s an Asian country, Niall. They would never accept to make that kind of changes without their people’s approbations. Have you read the article I sent you the other day?”

LOUIS: (staring at his phone screen, obviously not interested in the conversation) “Oh, Shit!”

NIALL: “What is it?”

LOUIS: “Nothing, it’s not important.”

ZAYN: “No, seriously. I’m curious to know what your opinion on this matter is. You’ve been quiet since we started.”

LOUIS: (dismissive) “Do you see that black folder over there? Well, that’s the paper regarding Asian Politics I made last week. Give it a read and you’ll know where I stand on this issue.”

ZAYN: “What’s wrong with you lately? You were a ghost in class this morning.”

LOUIS: (stands up and walks around the room) “It’s a Friday night, guys. Can we do something fun for a change? I’ve got a few DVD’s. We could watch a movie or play Halo. Whatever you want.”

NIALL: “I’m done with Halo. I’ve been stuck for weeks.”

LOUIS: “World of Warcraft maybe?”

ZAYN: “Are you two being serious right now? We have final exams starting on Monday.”

NIALL: “No, he is actually right. Let’s take the night off and have some fun. I’m up for chess. We haven’t played chess in ages.”

LOUIS: “A week is not ages, Horan. I destroyed you last Sunday.”

ZAYN: (accusing) “You were playing chess on Sunday? When you were supposed to finish your Physics report?”

LOUIS: (covers his mouth with one hand) “Oops.”

NIALL: (worried) “We only played for a few hours.”

ZAYN: “You guys keep forgetting that this is Yale. You should have picked Harvard if you wanted to have free nights during the weekends.” (leaves to the bathroom)

NIALL: (lowers his voice) “What was your ‘Oh, shit’ about?”

LOUIS: “I was stalking this random guy’s instagram and I accidentally liked his picture.”

NIALL: “Who is it?”

LOUIS: “Why are you lowering your voice?”

NIALL: “I don’t want Zayn to hear the mundane conversation we are having. He will freak out.”

LOUIS: “That guy from high school.” (avoids eye contact) “Harry Styles, remember?”

It Started with a Selfie [larry stylinson a.u.]Where stories live. Discover now