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SAMEDI 10:15

The next day. Chaeyoung was chasing the butterflies that called her to play. Courtney brings her to a spot within the woods for a picnicㅡbut the purpose was hiking to regain her strength.

Two female servants were preparing for the fire. Two male servants come with Courtney for a black pig hunt.

It did not take them an hour to get the black pig that is famous in Jeju for its good quality of meat. Good for them, Courtney is good with bow and arrow.

Chaeyoung saw Courtney return and ran to her at once for a hug. "Courtneeeeyㅡ"

"Oops! Wait. Stay away from here." Courtney stopped the lady before she saw the dead pig. She dragged her to the cottage. "You won't like what you will see."

"Did you kill it?" Chaeyoung asked curiously.

"I did." Courtney drinks ion drink to hydrate her body. "I hit the eye and neckㅡ"

Chaeyoung scream: making random noise to unhear what Courtney had said. "I hate you," She said in a whining voice.

Courtney chuckledㅡsatisfied by the adorable face displayed before her. "Do you have clean cloth?" She removed her shirt: revealing her hot body in a sports brassiere. "I lost my hankie on the way."

"I don't have." Chaeyoung averted away. "Please cover yourself."

"I don't want to. Does it seduce you?"

"S-Shut up."

Courtney lowkey enjoying teasing the lady. "Will you follow me to the stream then? I'll just wash my face."

Chaeyoung glance and nodded and they headed to the stream.

Courtney dipped her shirt on the water and squeezed the cloth until no more water drops. She mapped the wet cloth on her cleavage and neck. She does it looking like a model.

On the contrary, Chaeyoung doesn't know where to set her eyes. She glanced at the woman for the last time and sat on the stone: staring at the clear water.


"No, we can't do it here. Your scream will wake the deities in the forest."

Chaeyoung blushed. "W-What are you talking about?" She throws a stone at Courtney's feet.

"Ouch! What was that for?" Courtney raised an eyebrow as if mad.

"Stop teasing me." Chaeyoung pout. "Be serious."

The woman chuckled. "Yeah, yeah. I'm listening."

"About what happened... When will you keep it to me?"

"I'm telling the truth. You were just dreaming."

"But what about these bruises and scratches on my knees and elbow? How did I get them if I was just dreaming?"

"You are aware of your sleepwalking this past yearsㅡwhy are you still doubting?"

Chaeyoung is not convinced. Everything felt like realㅡnot believing it for just a dream. "Are you telling the truth?"

Courtney turned away and start walking. "I'm done here, lets return. I have to help them grill." She made an excuse to avoid the subject.

"Courtney, please tell me." Chayoung chased and stop the woman by grabbing her arm. "I deserve to know."

Courtney halts with irritate face. "I can't tell you the truth if you keep breaking your promises." Her mood changed: could not hold her feelings anymore.

"I'm sorry if I keep breaking that. This time, please. I will not escape again, just please tell me the truth." Chaeyoung's voice was begging.

Though it was hard on Courtney's part to recall that day: she doesn't have a choice but to voice it out. "Want to know the truth? Alright. That Wednesday night, it's true you escaped! It wasn't part of your dream!"

Chaeyoung dragged her gaze down on her feet. She doesn't want to see the anger raging in Courtney's eyes.

"We found you outside the gateㅡonly God knows who bought you back. And for nine days you were asleep!"

Chaeyoung looked at her with surprise. She thought that today is the same week since she came to the Island. She could not believe it is the second week: Courtney did not mention anything.

"You almost died suffering from a seizure!" Courtney could not hold her tears: going back to the days Chaeyoung didn't wake up. "You don't know how worried I was!"

Chaeyoung could see the pain in Courtney's eyes. She didn't mean her behavior. She's not using Courtney's generosity: knowing that there is someone like her who will always stay beside her.

There are times that she could not think straight: only having one goal in her head and her feet brings her to where her mind speaksㅡwithout minding about the people who cared for her. It's unstoppable.

Guilty. Chaeyoung could only express her apology through a hug. "I'm sorry. I know an apology is not enough. But I'm truly thankful for you for staying beside me all this time despite all the headaches, pains and troubles I caused you."

Courtney sighed. Even without a word: just one hug will calm her down and forget all the bitterness inside. She mumbled: "Why so marupok, Courtney?"

"I will allow you to sleep with me so you can keep watch on me. I won't go anywhere unless given your permission." Chaeyoung looked up at her to meet her eyes. "But I have one condition..."

Courtney was hesitating. But if this condition will make her around Chaeyoung all night long: she will go for it. "What is it?"

"Can we investigate someone?"

Frowning, Courtney clarified: "Investigate someone?"

Chaeyoung nodded. "Someone that might have a lead for Mina."

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