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"Be careful, baby. No need to rush. Take small steps." Mina was escorting Chaeyoung on the stairs towards the rooftop.

As Mina opened the rooftop door, there is a dining table for two and a hammock for two. Candles are light in the middle of the table.  Cloche covering the food.

Mina carefully leads Chaeyoung to the table. Because of the weather above, she also prepared a coat and put it on the girl. She grabbed a chair and made her sit.

"I think. . . I know where you are taking me." Chaeyoung said.

"Don't ruin my surprise by guessing it, miss intelligent."

Chaeyoung chuckled upon successfully teasing Mina. "And I smell something great."

Mina hover behind and removed the cloth covering around Chaeyoung's eyes. "Well, it's your favorite." She pulled the tie around her wrist and tied her lover's hair.

Being pampered like this made Chaeyoung's heart flutter. As she can remember, this is the first time Mina had to help her tie her hair. The preparation at the table also made her happy. It is romantic. "Is it shrimp?"

Instead of sitting across her lover, Mina dragged the chair next to Chaeyoung and take a sit. "Yup. I prepared different flavors of shrimp for you." She pulled the cloche and the aroma of the dish spread in the air.

"Woah. .  . It smells so good."

Mina looked at Chaeyoung that was smiling over the food. She prompts her elbow above the table and rests her head on her fist: staring with adornment. "You smell even better." She watches blossoms growing on her cheeks. "You're still adorable."

Glancing fast, Chaeyoung felt embarrassed. "Stop staring. You're melting me like this candle."

Mina pats her lover's crown with adore present in her eyes and lips. "Let's eat. But you have to stay still first. I will cut it for you."

"Don't trouble. I can manage."

"I insist, my Princess. I want to be romantic." Mina grabbed the fork and the table knife ㅡ grabbed one shrimp, cut the tail, and cut into two. She kissed the piece of shrimp before feeding it to Chaeyoung. "It will taste good since I put my love on it."

Nodding as she chews, "It indeed tastes good." Chaeyoung said after her mouth is empty.

"Ah-huh. Yet there is not a thing that tastes as amazing as you." Mina flirted.

Chaeyoung smiled upon remembering the old days and the past that seemed happened only yesterday. Suddenly, tears started forming in her eyes.

Mina who noticed, panicked. "Is the shrimp too spicy? Why are you tearing? Wait, did I feed you the spicy one?" She got a tissue and mopped the tears started rolling on Chaeyoung's cheeks.

"I'm just thankful, Mina. . . For saving me this time."

A little puzzled, Mina just listened.

"Wherever era and world I will be, I'm bound to be weak. I think that is written in my destiny. . . However, I'm thankful to have someone like you in my life. I'm thankful you came into my life, Mina. . ."

Mina smiled. She rose from the seat and dragged the chair close to Chaeyoung. She sat down and held her lover's hand. "Is that how you feel?" A sweet smile displayed on her lips.

Chaeyoung nodded: tears of joy still lingering in her eyes.

"I'm so happy to know your feelings, baby." She smiled with candiesㅡcould not hide the sweet flavor of her feelings. "I feel the same. . . I did not choose to like you because of our connection in the past. I choose to like you because my heart is calling for your name, and my eyes keep wanting to see you every single day. I am more grateful to heavens, for gifting me a precious meteorite and letting it land into my life."

Mina rose from the seat, still holding her lover's hand. "Come. There is something I wanted to show you."

In curiosity, Chaeyoung immediately stood. Mina brought her to the corner of the rooftop.

"Did you remember our second date?" Mina asked. She stood behind Chaeyoung.

Recalling, Chaeyoung turned around to face Mina. "The one you told me, we shared the same dreams and the skylights with a meteorite?"

Mina nodded. "That night will repeat tonight."

Eyes wide open, "It is?" An excitement suddenly grew in her. "So, there will be a meteor shower tonight?"

"In a second," Mina smiled and looked up at the sky.

Chaeyoung saw the lights in the sky reflecting in Mina's eyes. Immediately, she turned around and looked up at the night sky to witness the meteorite shining in the night sky.

"Woah. . ." Chaeyoung uttered in speechless. "It's so beautiful. . . Right, Mina?" She turned around to face Mina but the woman is gone. When she looked down, she saw her on her knees with a ring.

"My sun, moon, and universe, will you marry me?"

In delight, Chaeyoung jumped at Mina: like a cat jumping on its owner. They both fall on the floor.

Sitting on top, "I will marry you, Mina!" Chaeyoung said with energy, like a child given a candy.

Mina chuckled from the sudden jumped and upon knowing their position: Chaeyoung sat on her lap with excitement in her eyes. She supported her left hands behind as she sat up.

"Why did you chuckle at my response?" Chaeyoung innocently asked.

"Because you suddenly jumped at me. I didn't imagine you to react that way ㅡ which is the most adorable reaction ever happened." Mina chuckled again.

"What did I look like?" Innocent is still present in her voice.

"You looked like a baby tiger wanting to lick her owner's face. I thought you will lick my face too." Mina could not stop chuckling about the situation. But her amusement stopped when Chaeyoung licked her cheek. Her eyes widened.

"Like that?" Chaeyoung asked innocently, not knowing how her actions affects the woman.

Staring at her adorable lover, it took a second before Mina spoke a word. "Let's book a hotel room."

Until Hell Freezes Over (Book II)Where stories live. Discover now